Chapter 4

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Nick looked so scared after I told him to look me in the eyes & tell me he didn't find Eden attractive but he also looked aroused since I was lying on the bed in lingerie. I tried not to laugh as I bent my leg & ran my hand, slowly down my thigh. Nick stumbled over the words he tried to speak while looking me in the eyes.

"I... um... I mean she... uh..." He chuckled, nervously, as he shook his head, before clearing his throat. "Okay. Yes she is a beautiful young lady... but... I am... don't have... Demi, you don't have to worry."

I decided to let him off the hook as I started laughing. "I know. I was just making you sweat. I'm not worried. I know you won't cheat on me." I waved my hand toward him. "She would never be with you anyway." I spun around to lay down on my side of the bed & as I pulled the comforter up to my chest I saw Nick's facial expression. He looked defeated, almost insulted by what I said. "What?"

"You think I'm so ancient & unattractive that she would never want me? You think I don't have a chance with her because I'm not sexy to a younger girl?"

I sat up, eyeing him, incredulously. "No. That is not what I said. She would never be with you because I think she likes women."

Nick laughed then scowled, "You think she likes women? What gives you that idea?"

"I read something online a few months ago & she seemed to be checking me out more than you today." I shrugged my shoulders, as if I didn't care much, hoping he wouldn't ask how I saw something about her online. I didn't want him to know I googled her, once I heard he was doing a collaboration with her & then I googled her again, after I found out he was touring with her.

"She's not gay."

"And you know this how?"

"She flirts with me & she flirted with Jason while we were in the studio, one day."

"Flirting doesn't mean you're straight." I chuckled at how naive my husband sounded all the sudden.

Nick's forehead creased as he looked away, like he was thinking about something. "I guess she could be bisexual. She hasn't really dated anyone publicly, so I guess I don't really know."

"No. You don't." I smoothed out the comforter & sighed, "Besides, you're married. Maybe she actually respects that."

"Married or not, she could still find me attractive, ya know? There are still girls her age who lust after me. Shoot, some of Mercy's friends call me 'hot dad.'"

I covered my mouth because I had the urge to bust out laughing, but Nick sensed this & frowned. "I know. I heard her one friend call you that the one time."

"Oh, so you think since we only heard it once it only happened once. Why are you even still with me if I'm so old & ugly?"

My eyebrows shot up & I slid off the bed to stand, since he was starting to get emotional. I was having flashbacks to when he had these similar insecurities a few years earlier. "I never said you were old or ugly, Nick. You are barely in your forties & you are still an attractive man. I am with you because I love you & I married you, for better or for worse, because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't understand why you're acting like this again. A few years ago, you had these insecurities & now we are bickering, because you get offended by stuff I say. You need to make a therapy appointment tomorrow before you do something reckless to prove how young you are or do something...." Suddenly, it hit me. "Wait. That's why you're doing all these collaborations with these young artists. You're trying to prove to the world, that you're still hot. That you still got it." I started shaking my head, wondering why I hadn't realized this sooner. "This is like before. Except this time you have no problem getting it up."

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