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 Hi, guys, my name is Katherina Clare. I have black hair and, Teal eyes. I get bullied because of the way I look and the bands I listen too.  Most of the time I would get beat. You see I get bullied at school because what's better than high school. But today I will be spared because the principle is going to be at school today. 

Waking up from a nightmare, covered in sweat and tears. Most night I would wake up from a nightmare. I should be used to it by now. Getting out of bed to get ready for school. Black leather pants and a Panic At The Disco shirt and combat boots. Ready to walk out of the door I hear my brother walking behind me. He is the one that tries to stand up for me. He hated it when things like this happened. 

"Hey what is going to be your first class today." He said with curiosity. Knowing him he will follow me there. 

"Well, that is on a need to know basis. So do you mind if we walk to school without talking." Trying to get out of him interrogating me. So help me please be there principle because my ribs still haven't healed yet. walking in school and I'm getting stared at like normal. Went to my locker and I saw what I hated the most.

"So look what we have here," Liam said with the worst voice on earth. It was Rough and was enraged

"Let me guess a locker and a girl standing next to it. Just a wild guess." Sarcasm from me. I wasn't going to cower. Knowing that I would regret it I would have to pay for it tomorrow. Looking as though his head was gonna pop of. He punched me, hurt like a bitch. Luke his best friends decided to join in as well. 

"Hey what do you think your doing." It stopped. Peering up I can see luke and Liam staring at the person who yelled out. New people.

"What do you think you're going to do about it, Nothing that was what I thought." Liam was saying. Right when he was gonna turn back to me.

"Nope, not nothing." I think this was the new Kid. He should have stopped right then an there.

"There is nothing you can do for me ok just go." While saying that I was spitting blood. Before I knew it he punched Liam. In the face. Dumb fucks it not like I didn't think what he was doing was bad its just once they try to help they end up where I'm at now. It was a full on fight and by the looks of it, the new kid was winning. I passed out before the end.

"Hello, are you awake. My name is Andy. Hang on there I will take you home." Andy was putting me on the motorcycle. That woke me up. Hearing the roar of the engine of the beauty.

"Hey what are you doing I still have classes." Aggravation in my voice because I didn't want to fail all of my classes. One thing was for sure I wont fail highschool. 

"Well if you heal up in seconds Ill let you go on your dandy day. But the last time I checked people can't actually do that." The rest of the conversation was quiet.

"That's what I thought. Now I will take you home, Where do you live." I shook my head no because I didn't have a home pyshco parents tried to kill me and my brother. So it was me and my brother. I had to get a job because my brother is only 15 and he shouldn't have to skip his childhood because of it. 

" Fine, then I will take you to my place. My mom will be there" Why is he so hell bent on helping me out. Shouldn't he be caring that he's missing class. Theres something about this kid that I thought that was familiar. I feel like I saw him before. 

"Why do you look Familiar to me." Maybe I hit my head too hard in the ground from the fall. He ignored me and kept driving me to his house. 

On the ride there we didn't say anything to each other. Not that I really mind I liked to watch everything go by, or the wind in my face. Soon enough he pulled into a drive way. The house looked fairly new. Painted a light grey a two story house. 

"Hey Honey why aren't you at school. Today was the first day right." I'm thinking that was his mom.

"Yeah it was but something came up"He seemed so casual with it. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                        so I hope that you like the begging of the story. 

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