Chapter 6: The argument

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"What the hell. What are you doing?" Andy was yelling at Brendon. What was he doing? I was walking past Brendon and gave Andy a hug. Then after that, I punched him square in the nose.

"What was that for." He said while holding his nose.

"Well if your mom can't hit you then I will, never ever get in jail because of a girl. Understand." I was saying this as though I was his mother. What was he thinking doing that? He could have gotten hurt.

"I di...." Before he could say anything.

"The only answer that I will accept is a yes." He shouldn't be doing this. He has a career to look out for.

"Mom, do you think this is far?" Andy was trying to get his mom on his side but it wasn't working.  We walked to the car and of course, I got cold and Brendon gave me his jacket. We were in the car and I tried to stay awake but I couldn't. I fell asleep on Andy and Brendon. My head was on Andys lap and Legs where on Brendon lap. They laid me out when I fell asleep. I was dreaming that I and my mother got along and we were happy but it happened again. I screamed and woke up.

"What is it. What happened." They were looking at me with a weird expression.

"Nothing bad dream. Sorry for waking you too." Why did we have to go to the station that was an hour away?

"Are we almost there?" I asked because I felt uneasy with the situation I was in there were people that I liked in one car. Like, come on what should I do. I should fall asleep so time would fly by. I fell asleep and saw everyone was asleep but me and Amy.

"Hey, we're almost there. How are you feeling?" Amy said as she was looking in the rearview mirror. N 

"Yeah Im feeling better thanks by the way. I've been thinking when I'm at work late could you have Alex over I hate to leave him in the house late and alone. You don't have to. Its okay if you say no. It's just that he needs a motherly figure in his life." I saw ranting on about before she said she would and that made me feel like I was doing something right in my life.

"Thank you," I said. I was trying to get situated not trying to wake them up. Andy stirred and grabbed me and clung to me. I couldn't move.  I tried to move but he wouldn't budge.

"Don't worry he won't bite and were almost there." Amy was saying as she was laughing.

"Is this that funny to laugh about," I said trying to hold the laugh back but couldn't and it awoke sleeping beauty. 

"Well look who woke up. You going to let go now?" I was laughing while saying this. He let go. He was red with embarrassment. We pulled in the driveway and the bump woke sleeping beauty #2 up. We all got out of the car and stretched. I saw some bruising on my stomach as I was stretching. I saw that and quickly stop and waited at the door.

"So would you like to stay for dinner. Bendon, I'm making meatloaf and cookies." That caught Andy's attention real fast. He nodded as he walked to the door and waited with me as Amy grabbed her things from the car.

"Andy can you open up your house because it is warm in there." I was saying with chattering teeth.

"Yeah, Sorry I needed to stretch okay." He opens the door and I plopped on the couch and Brendon followed by Andy did the same. I got up and help Amy cook she messed up a little and I had to take over.

"So how did you learn how to cook?" Amy was asking. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I taught myself. I thought that it would be good to have something other than take-out." I was saying as all the boys rushed down the stair. 

"What am I smelling. I know what meatloaf smells like and this isn't it." Cc was saying while sniffing the air like a dog.

" I never knew the stories were true that boys are dog's." I was saying. Alex was the normal one he sat at the table and waited. The boys quickly followed. Amy was serving the plates. I was getting the silverware. 

"Chris dinner is done," Amy said to him and he was jumping in the air with excitement.

"Kat when are we going to have movie night again." Alex was saying wait to be served.

"Maybe tomorrow. I will have to work in the morning but after school." He was happy then.

"Now everyone where is your manners?" Amy said as she thanked me followed by many other thanks.

"So kat, What do you do for a living?" Chris said as he was eating. I don't know if they would like the fact that I'm a tattoo artist.

" Um, I work at a tattoo shop and sell paintings," I said as I was putting my plate in the sink to wash it.

"Well that is awesome I never knew that you could draw." Chris was saying. I was in the middle of washing my plate as Brendon walked behind me.

"Hey what was that about back at the ice cream place?"I was saying in a whisper so only he can here.

"I didn't want him to do something he would regret later," Brendon said.

"What would that be?" I thought of all the things and none of them were that bad.

"It's Nothing." He said close to my ear.

"What you guys talking about?" Ashely was said looking at Brendon with hatred 

"Nothing important," Brendon said slipping something in my hand. Andy saw it and I walked to put my shoes on.

"Hey, where are you going," Cc says getting up.

" Oh, I'm going for a walk want to come." I was saying as I was putting on a jacket. I was extremely sensitive to the cold.

"Yeah hang on a sec." He was jogging to put the plate away put his shoes on. We were walking down the street.

"So what do you like to do on your free time?" Cc asked and I had to think about it for a long time. 

"I like to spend time with my brother. Or I like to draw nothing special." I said while kicking the dirt. We went to cross the street when there was a car speeding down the street. Cc ran over and tackled me to the side of the street.

" You okay," Cc said.

" Kat. you there." Cc said

authors note Oh that cliff hanger though

And please comment anything you want even if you say you hate it

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