Chapter 11: The Confession

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When I got home. I saw that there was a note on the fridge and I read it.

Dear Katherina

Katherina, I would watch what you do next time you are away. Maybe you will lose someone you love dearly.

Sincerely Adam Clare. 

I looked at the note again and I thought of Alex. I pulled my phone out and dialed Alex phone number. No answer. I tried it again. Finally, he picked you.

A- hey

K- Thank god. Listen to me don't go anywhere without 3 people and they can't be under 15. I don't have time to explain. 

With that, I looked out the window and locked everything I could the door the windows even the garage. I got a call and I canceled it. I was picking everything up and making everything back to the way they should be. I kept a weapon in every room. I wasn't risking anything. I didn't care what was going to happen I will be ready this time. 

TIme skip

The next day. I was getting ready to go to Andys to make sure that Alex was okay. On my way to my bike when I heard my name. I looked behind me and saw that it was Aiden. What was he doing here?

"Hey, Katherina right. I realized that we are neighbors. Isn't that cool." He said with a happy face. I looked at him and was giving him the look that said I don't care what you have to say.

"Look I'm busy right now maybe later." I was saying this as I was getting on my bike. I drove away and headed to Andy's. I knock on the door and saw that Andy was there. I looked passed him.

"Is Alex here." Without looking at him because I was mad at him.

" Yeah here come in." Andy was gesturing to the couch and I was going to sit down but I was tackled.

"I thought that something really bad happened to you. Why did you tell me these things?" Alex said as he places his head on my shoulder.

"Alex I don't really know how to tell you this kindy but...." I was going to say it but I didn't want to hurt his feeling's. He never met his dad but me, and my sister have and we hated him.

" Tell me what?" Alex was saying backing away from me. He stood there waiting for me to answer. God, why can't this be a good thing?

" Alex, Adam is back." I flinched as I said those words. He looked taken back. I wish that this could be better. What the hell did we do to have this? I know so many people that should be in this situation than me. 

" Sorry to bug in here but who is Adam?" I flinched at the name again. I think they noticed this time. I wanted to tell him but I couldn't.

"He's our "father" A.K.A an abusive asshole, And the only thing that he was good at was hurting the people around him. I never met him, but Kat and my other sister met him." Alex was saying I didn't care if he was cursing because everything that he was saying is true. I would have said those things.

"Well, I wanted to make sure that you are ok. And I wanted to talk to Amy." I said while looking for her somewhere but couldn't find her.

"She is at work but you could wait here until she comes back," Andy said I had to think about it. I was willing to do it but I had to do something first. I walked you to him and stood there. After about a minute of standing there, I kicked him in the balls.

"What...was... that... for" He was saying these in between breaths. I guess you could say he got the wind knocked out of him. Because he was laying on the floor grabbing his balls.

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