Chapter 18: Consequences

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Kat P.O.V

I sat in my room doing nothing but drawing and crying. Alex gives me food but I don't eat it. There really isn't anything they can do, I am heartbroken. I loved Jay and I thought that he loved me too. People would visit me but I wouldn't come out of the state. I wasn't ready for the world. Knowing that I was going to be heartbroken again and again because I was damaged. Jay knew things about me that nobody did. 

I heard a knock at my door. I didn't really move from this spot. I only move when I needed to use the bathroom. They entered. I looked up to see Chris and Ricky. Both of them looked sad.

"So what are you doing?" Chris asked while sitting next to me. On the couch in my room. I shrugged and continued to draw my heart in its state right now. It was broken and shaded.

"What happened that made you like this? We all miss the Kat that stands up to guys being like assholes. Not the one that is letting them win and making you feel like crap." Ricky said while looking around my room. He was right. I was letting him win. The person that clearly knows that I like him. I stood up and walked to my closet. I grabbed the clothes that I wanted to wear and walked to the bathroom. Going to take a shower and go to work. I was going to have a good day today. I  getting out of the shower and was going to get my shoes on. Both Ricky and Chris were sitting on my bed shocked.

"What's up with the sudden mood change," Chris asked. looking at me shocked that I was moving out from the one spot. I turned around and looked at them fully.

"Ricky is right and I won't give in to an asshole that knew damn well that I loved him," I said while walking out of my room. Going down the stair I heard them behind me. I saw that Chris (Biersack) and Amy were in the living room.

"Hey, guy how is your day going," I asked and they all looked at me. Amy shot up and hugged me. It was a bone-crushing hug. I hugged back to. apparently, Andy, Ash, CC, Ryan, and Jake were here. Alex was probably at school.

"It is going great now that you are here and moving and acting like normal," Jake said while hugging me. I eventually hugged everyone that was here.

"What did you say to her?"Amy said practically jumping with happiness. I smiled. She always seemed happy with the littlest of things. I wonder how she reacted when she found out when her son was a rock star.

"All I said was that we missed the way she used to be, how she stood up to an asshole and didn't let the win. After that, she was a whole new person. Maybe she thought that I was right and that she was letting that asshole win." Ricky said while I was grabbing my keys and bag.

"Where is she going at this time," Jinxx asked I shrugged. I was going to go to work but I really didn't feel like it. I want to go somewhere exciting. Not work to give me a headache because of the machines.

"I was going to go to the mall and buy some outfits. If any of you guys want to come with me. that is fine but you have to be ready in three minutes." I was saying as Andy hugged me again. Wow, these people are the hugging type.

"Why do you people always huge me. Breathing is nice you know." I said while gaining my breath. Andy sure did know how to give hugs. Jinxx and Jake laughed at this. CC was trying to make a joke out of it. Andy and Ricky and Chris wanted to go to the mall with me. I'm pretty sure that they did this so that I wasn't alone. I was fine. Right?

"So where do you want to go to first?" I asked Ricky and Chris. Andy was going to say something but I shushed him.

"Maybe Spencers?" Chris questioned us. I shrugged and linked my arms with Andy and Ricky's. me and Ricky skipped. Andy with him gazelle legs waked and Chris did the same. Why were they so tall.

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