Chapter 1: The Helper

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His mom walked into the room with a towel in hand. Smiling till she saw me. " Who did this to a beautiful girl like you, honey," I think she was trying to comfort me but it wasn't working. Walking toward me flinching at the sight of a mother coming toward me. I'm guessing that Andy felt that I flinched from her.

"Hey, Hey it is okay I will not hurt you I want to help you" Why can't I go back to school I hate this, I don't want to be mean she seems nice but I will keep my guard up for now. She went to get bandages while Andy was getting a wet rag, while I was sitting on the couch. He came back and was cleaning my face while the mom was waiting to bandage me. She put her hand on my side and i felt a really bad pain in my side. Making it hard to breathe and mask the pain from everyone else.  

Gritting my teeth together from cursing at everything I see. "Och, Could you stop touching my side please." I was trying to say it as kindly as one could.

"May I look at your side, please Miss" I nodded because I wanted to see how bad it was too. Pulling up my shirt over my left shoulder. It was bruised and had some blood. But other than that you could see some of the bone poking in my side. She gasped and that made Andy look. Ugh.

"Oh, honey we need to get you to a hospital right now. We will call your parents after that. " She was running to get her keys but I got up and got in front of her.

"You can't take me to the hospital or call my parents" With sternness in my voice, and pain.

"Why you have broken ribs. If I were your mother I would be worried for you and I would be mad that someone would keep this from me." She was saying this while walking around me to get the keys.

" Well my mother wouldn't care and I hate the hospital plus have no money for the hospital bill so you can't take me there." With the truth out there I could hope for the best and leave.

"Well you have to see a doctor I have a friend and he could do it for free here. Can I call him for you? " Took me some time to register what she was saying. The feeling of another women caring for me was strange.

"Fine but I have to call my brother because he is still at school." While saying that I sat on the couch waiting for my brother pick up to tell him that I will be home late. I hate to do this to him.

"So why would your mom not want to know and not care?" She was nice to me. Like I was her own. I don't like it.

" Well, when I was 16 she tried to shoot me and drown me. I have a scar on my left shoulder. When it was happening the neighbor heard the whole thing so she called the cops and after that, it was me and my brother I got a job and bought a house. We still go to school. Well, that was my sappy life story." The sat there wide-eyed. She hugged me I just sat there numb from everything not really caring. At a point you just stop caring or feeling. There was a knock on the door she got up and said that it was the doctor.

"Hi Mrs. Biersack What can I help with today," he said with a smile. If I see correctly I would say that he likes Mrs. Biersack. Wait, Biersack,  Andy Biersack that's where I recognize him from. I was breathing normally not as a fangirl would. I will wait until he tells me who he is. I'm sure he hates it when everyone is fangirling around him.

  " Yes, Mr. Anderson there is a girl here that is hurt." She looked like she was going to cry. Nodding he turned to look at me. He looked to be in his late 40s to 50s.

"Well Hello, my name is Mr. Anderson" Handing his hand out like I was going to shake it all I did was lift up my shirt and let him see what to do.

" Well, I would like to have her in a separate room, please. And a glass of cold water when it is done." Andy picked me up like it was nothing for a tall skinny boy you'd think you wouldn't be able to lift a feather. Putting me in the spare bedroom. The Doctor came in and said that it will hurt and I trusted him for that. 

Andy's P.O.V ( point of view)

When I went downstairs I was waiting for it to end. I thought about her background and felt sorry for her. Shaking my head getting rid of that thought. Sitting next to mom I know that she doesn't like to see anyone in pain who does.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. F*******K" She was screaming for about a couple minutes. When it was over got up to get the ice pack he recommended and running up the stairs. 

"Thank you, Doc." She was saying as she was sitting up. Handing her the water and pack.

"Are you ok." That was a stupid question. All she did was stare practically saying shut the f**k up.

" Well, I will talk to your mother." And with that, the doctor left the room. I handed her a shirt that I had and she put it on getting up and started walking down the stairs like nothing happened. We were almost down when were heard the doctor talk to my mom and she stopped and was listening on them I did the same. 

"Mrs. Biersack you should know that wasn't the first time that her ribs were broke in the MONTH I would like to have the back story to what happened." What was he talking about? Is that why she wasn't crying because she was used to the pain.

"What happens at school stays at school no telling anyone. Okay, it will only get worse" She was pointing at me and I was frustrated that those heathens would do something to this beautiful women. No they need to know that there are people hurting her. Walking down the stairs and telling them everything that I know. She was angry that I told but I wasn't because people should know.

"What the hell I don't want people to know." With that, she grabbed her things and ran out that door. Where was the thanks for helping me out?

Kathrinas P.O.V

While I was walking home Heard footsteps behind me so I was running home. With my pocket knife in hand. Someone grabbed my shoulder and I was about to stab them but they grabbed my hand.

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