Chapter 9: True Self

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I was running to my friend Jays house. He was my best friend we have known each other ever since the 1st grade. He was the one that helped me in therapy. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

"Hey, Jay you doing anything." I was worried that he was because right now I need to talk to him.  I always have known that he had a crush on me. But he knows that he shouldn't bring it up.

"No, Why don't you come in." He said while stepping aside so I could walk in. I did and walked to the couch. 

"So you know that I love Panic At The Disco And Black Viel Brides," I said While almost screaming.

"Yeah, and if I were you I would start breathing again," Jay said as he walks closer to me. 

"Yeah well, I meet them. They are awesome. They helped me a lot," I said. I loved that I could say that. 

"I'm so happy for you. Oh sorry, I heard what happened. Man, that must suck. Oh but after the cops where there I took something in case someone was going to break in again." He said while pulling out my sketchbook. I was so shocked, and happy. I jumped up and kissed him. I liked him, but I never wanted to ruin our relationship. He kissed back. I got up and ran out the door. Back to Andys house.

"Hey, where were you. Are you ok? What happened." Chris said as I was running upstairs. I ran in the guest bedroom. I was crying they were happy tears. I loved the fact that I was able to share my feelings with him.

"Honey are you alright? Why are you crying." Amy said sitting next to me. Andy and Cc and Ashely burst into the room surrounding us. 

" I swear if someone hurt you I will kill them tell who. Location, and what they look like." Andy said. I looked at him as if he were crazy.

"Can I talk to a girl here," I said to think that they would back away and think that it was hormones.

"People think that I am a girl all the time. So she is saying Andy, Cc get out." Ashely said I was kicking his shins to get him out.

"So what happened?" Amy said pulling me in a hug.

 Well there is this guy that I like and I kissed him and he kissed back," I said in a whisper because I knew that they were listening.

"Oh, I thought something bad happened," Amy said with a sigh of relief.

"Nope but I was crying because I don't want to ruin my relationship with him you know," I said. She nodded and walked out the door.

"What happened to her?" Andy was saying.

"Well, she kissed a boy and was having a moment. Every girl has one." Amy said as she walked down the stairs Andy followed.

"What do you mean she kissed a boy. Well, why was she crying." Andy was yelling I thought that he was going to punch something.

"What does it matter that I kissed a guy. You should be happy." I said leaning against the wall. What was he yelling about not like he likes me? What the hell.

" Why wouldn't I be mad that you kissed a guy," Andy said as the rest of them left the room.

" Well not like you should you don't like me. And the person that I that I like is honest and caring." I say arguing with him.

" Well, you probably barely know the guy." He said and that was it.

" I barely know you and you are yelling at me for no reason. And for your information, I've known him since I was in 1st grade. Asshole. Why would you care, Im, just a lost cause focus on my brother save him. Before you even try saving what's left of me." I was full on screaming. I ran to my room and packed everything. Went to the garage and fixed the tire. Didn't take that long the tire pops all the time and I've had practice. 

I rolled the bike at the end of the driveway before I saw that jay was running up to me. 

"How did you find me?" I was confused. But I didn't care I was full of emotion. I hugged and kissed him.

" Remeber you lost your phone and I downloaded an app that could locate it well I used it." He said. Andy stormed out the house and punched him in the face. What the hell. I tried to pull him off but he elbowed me in the stomach. I fell back away from him. I was crawling away from everyone. 

"Andy, what are you doing hurting this poor boy and kat like that?" What has gotten into you?" Chris pulled him away from Jay. I walked over to Jay and helped him up. 

"Alex you can stay here if you want I'm sorry that I cause so much. Pain for all of you. So I will leave the equation." After I said that I went to my bike and left. The only place I want to be right now is now is where I should have been.

Authors note

I know that there is a cliffhanger and I love that there is one.

And please leave comments I would love them.

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