Chapter 10: Nothing left

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 I saw the place that I needed to go. I was almost there when I took the turn. I saw the water. I know this was the place to do it. I was there the water hitting my feet. Cold but I'm too numb to care about the temperature. Slowly walking in. The water was cold and harsh. I kept walking until I couldn't reach anymore. I couldn't see and the waves I couldn't breathe. I saw someone swim toward me.  I tried to swim away. But yet again I don't know how to swim. The person grabbed me. I still couldn't breathe. I was laying on the ground turning blue. I was suffocating on water.

"Miss can you hear me. Are you ok?" The person said I started to spaz. The person did CPR. I was chocking up water. 

"Thank god I thought that I lost you there." He said holding his chest. I was gasping for air.

"Why did you do that? You could have died. you know that right." He was saying I was tuning it out. 

"Yeah, I know that I was hoping. But you came here and ruined it." I said sourly wanting to jump back in the water.

"You could die. What the hell is wrong with people these days. Why did you do that" He said and I was looking at him?

"There is nothing left for me. My little brother deserves more than he has. He doesn't need a broken family he needs someone better than me." I said as I was pacing. I was shivering. Why the hell can't people leave me alone for once.

"Here let me get you a jacket." He said standing up. He was taller than me. 

" No thanks cold is the least of my problems. I've delt through worse. Believe me on that." I said shaking the thought out of my head.

"Here let me take you home to your parents." He said gesturing to his car. 

"A) I have a vehicle and B) I don't have parents," I said.

"Sorry for your loss." He said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"They aren't' dead. It's the other way around. They wanted me and my brother dead. I would say my sister but she got to her before I could stop anything." I said crying.  I was thinking of that night. I couldn't take it I was walking to the water again. I was pulled back and dragged by my arm. 

" What are you doing,?" I said looking at the stranger. I could see hurt. I looked back at my bike and saw everyone looking at me worried. They were running to me. 

" What are you doing?" Amy said. I looked at her confused why did I have to think about myself and not others.

"I'm tired of the abuse the pain and the fights. I can't deal with it. I want Alex to have another chance. Another chance at life so he doesn't have to deal with the one that I have." I said backing up into the stranger.

" Who are you?" Andy said looking at him. He had his shirt off. Because he jumped in the water.

"I saved your girlfriend here." " We are not dating far from it," I said looking away in the distance. Andy tried to touch me and I moved away.

"Kat I didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry." Andy was saying and I was chuckling.

"Did you mean to hurt Jay. Hm." I know the answer. He knew it too. I was walking off. Ashely was walking with me and I felt a little dizzy.

"Hey, you ok you don't look so good." I fell with a crash. Ashely was screaming for help.

" What happened?" The stranger was saying. They were shaking me.

"Stop shaking me. I'm not a rag doll." I said sitting up. I coughed but nothing but water was coming up. 

"You need to eat. Come on let's get you something to eat." The stranger said.

"Look I said that I was fine. And I don't even know you." I said.

"Oh, I'm Aiden. You?" Aiden says.  I was out of it. I didn't care. I was still mad at Andy. Why did he think he had the right to dictate who I could be with. Not like I said that you couldn't be with Juliet. Like dude back the fuck off.

" Kat you need help up," Andy said. heading his hand out. I looked at Aiden and he did the same and I took Aiden's hand. Andy looked hurt. Good, he deserved it. While I was getting up I heard something crack. I looked at my arm and I looked broken.

" Great, Shit. Now, what am I going to do? I have my bike. Ohhh I know. Aiden holds my hand and pull. Ashely push. Even if I scream keep going until you heard another crack." I was saying this lifting my arm. Andy looked as if I was a zombie.

"Are you crazy. You could hurt yourself even more." Ashely said and I gave the look that says I don't care. 

"Okay, you can do this because I won't hurt her," Ashely said while backing away.

"Amy could you?" I was saying Aiden had my hand. All Andy was looking at. Chris walked to me and said so only I could hear. I will do this If you make up with Andy. I nodded and it worked. I wiggled it and It felt bad but it worked.

"Well I was thinking pizza hut," I said and they nodded. Aiden was looking at me bewildered. 

"Hey sorry about that, I know it might be weird to see someone as crazy as me. But nice meeting you." I said walking away. He followed me.

" Hey I know that this might be the wrong time but what about a date," Aiden said and I was surprised. What, why would he want to go on a date with a crazy person.

" Um sure. How about 8:00 Tomorrow. sound good." He had a smile and nodded. I walked over to my bike. Feeling tired. I got on it and waited for them to drive out first. They were leaving and I was about to pull out before. I saw jay running to me.

" What the hell where you think doing that." Jay was saying. I was about to be in tears. He looked like he was beaten to where he couldn't stand.  Oh, I will beat Andy when I see him.

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