Chapter 12: New School

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If he didn't duck then the beautiful face. Or whatever he calls it.

"Sorry Ash, I thought that you were someone else," I said bringing him inside and looking out the door both ways.

"Well, I think that you need to find a new way to greet someone." Ash was saying looking at me.

"So are you ready for school. Because I am I can't wait to see the cheerleaders. Oh and the classes except for P.E God that was the worst class ever." Ash was ranting about this as I was walking up the stairs. To wake Alex and get changed. I went to my room and found an outfit that I liked. I was stripping down. When Ashely turned red.

"Why are you turning red have you never seen a girl before," I said laughing because he got even redder than I thought was imaginable. I started to put my shirt on when Cc walked in.

"Who else is going to walk in. Like damn." I said looking out the door. No one was there. I was still in my underwear and a crop top.  

"Why the hell is she naked," Cc said looking at Ash suspiciously. 

"I was getting dressed for school that we all have to go to," I said while putting tights and a skirt on. With high heels and bracelets. I grabbed my bag. I and CC and Ash were walking down the stairs. I felt a shooting pain in my arm but I ignored it. I grabbed an apple and a thing of strawberries. for lunch. I packed all the guys sandwiches for them. And chips. I handed all of them there lunches. I got on my bike because there wasn't enough room in the car. I was waiting at a red light. She says that there was an elderly woman trying to cross the street. I got off of my bike and helped her the light turned green. The person that was in front of me honked the horn at me and the elderly woman. I flipped him off and ran to my bike. I got on and was driving to school again. The guys didn't know where to go.

"Sorry I got held up." I said turning left almost leaned to the ground because it was a sharp turn. But I saved it. We were there. Early because they were an asshole for waking me up. Everyone was staring at me while I was parking. I waved at the people. The jock's were whistling. I laughed. I walked toward the office.  The guys followed behind me. I and a guy bumped into each other. Never looked at him we walked our ways. The receptionist had a high pitched voice that I hated.  

I headed to my locker.  I was tapped on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw this girl with blond hair. And bubble gum. 

" Hi, I saw that you are new here want any help." She said as she was curling a part of her hair with her finger. I can tell that she wants to use me for the guys. Good thing this is my last year of school.

"Nope, not really. Because I know that you will be using me to get to the guys that I came here with. It is typical, the goodie goodie wants to date the bad boy. She will hurt anyone's feeling to get what you want. She doesn't do most of the dirty work so she makes her minions do it for her."  I said to her, closing my locker and to my first class algebra. Mr. Frank was the teacher. I heard he was a creep. I was late of course. 

"Today we have a new student. Her name is Katherina Clare. Would you like to introduce yourself." Mr. Frank said while I was walking to my seat. 

" Sorry to burst your bubble but I have nothing to say," I said sitting down. I heard a whistle. I looked over and saw a jock. I bit the air to make him afraid but he looked like he liked it. GROSS. The class was almost over.

" Katherina, Can you come here please." Mr. Frank said. Dear god what would he want. I walked to the front of the room.

" Would you please solve this problem." He said moving away so I could solve the problem. These people are stupid. This was the easiest thing ever. I finished it. 

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