Chapter 8: The Awakening

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Katherina's P.O.V

I woke with the sound of laughter. I was going to sit up but I was slowly fading into darkness. I tried to fight it but I couldn't. I was fighting so hard. Images flashed in my head. Alex, Andy, Cc laughing, Brendon, Jinxx, Jake, Amy, and Chris. 

I woke up. The next morning with a need to throw up I grabbed the trash can and pucked water. I looked up to see a bright light. My eyes adjusting to the brightness. I finally realized I was in the hospital. Needles in my arm I'm in a gown. I pulled them out and walked over to my clothes and changed in them. Once I got them on I saw that. I had a thousand text messages. Apologies from people that hate me. I laughed a little I stopped because it hurt. I was walking out the door when I yet again blinded by the light. I heard crying and sobbing and omg's. 

"Miss you need to lay down." She started to push me back in the room. I slide under her and started to walk away from her.

"I am not going back in there. The only thing that I am going to do is find my brother and make sure he is ok." While I said this I was walking away slowly to the lobby. I almost broke down in tears when I saw that my little brother was ok.

"Thank god you are ok. What would I do without you." I said as he was slightly hugging me.

"Miss you need to get back to your room and lay down." The nurse said trying to pry me from my brother and well I let my anger get the best of me. I stepped away from my brother and punched the nurse in the face and flipped her off and walked back to the lobby to talk with my brother.

"You know that for a weak person. You can punch." I heard Ashely say. 

"Do I know you. Alex is he bugging you I will kill him if he is." I said trying to prank him again. I walked up to him looking all mean. He looks scared a little. After a while of staring at each other, I hugged him. He hugged back but lightly.

"What is up with the light hugs like be a man and give a bear hug," I said moving to Jake he gave me a real hug and it was a little painful but what is love without pain. I moved to Jinxx and then Andy looked like he was crying for a week. He hugged me for what seemed like an hour. I went to Amy and flinched a little until I told myself that she wasn't mom and I was okay. We hugged and then I felt tired.

"So when are we going home. And will you guys tell me why you guys are crying?" I said because all that happened was that I was in the hospital. 

"Kathrina you flatlined." What she Amy talking about flatlining I was ok. All it was, was a stab wound.

"Dude all it was, was a stab wound," I said and they all thought that is was crazy.

" Kat you crash your bike and went flying like you were a feather off of it. You were unresponsive. The doctors thought that you were going to die. No one would survive what happened. you lost so much blood. Brendon had to donate for you. Alex would but he fainted at the site of you." Cc said almost crying. I walked over and hugged him he was crying like a baby did if it was hungry. I held him for 5 minutes or so and he stopped. 

"Is my bike ok," I said because I was about to cry.

"Thats what you are going to cry about is a bike and not your well being," Andy said as he was going to walk away. If only he knew.

"You wouldn't understand why I love the bike more than my life," I said so he could hear me.

"Like hell, I wouldn't understand. Because if I was you I would be happy that I am alive." Andy screamed at me.

" Well, the bike belonged to my older sister before my mother killed her." I was running out of the hospital and walked to the back. I never knew that I would miss her so much. We never got along but she was still my sister. I heard Cc call for me and I saw that he was alone. 

"I'm right here," I said as I was slowly trying to stand up. I think that I broke some of my stitches.

"Hey there you should be in the hospital. Don't mind him he can be an asshole sometimes trust me I went on tour with him for a long time." Cc said after picking me up.

" You need to eat you are so thin, And after all of this, I with help pay to fix your bike. The only thing that is wrong with is is that you need a new tire because it is popped." Cc said-as he carried me to the room that I was staying in, Waiting for the doctor to fix the stitching.

" Well, I will inject you will painkillers because they work faster." The doctor said.

" I don't think that is necessary. I can handle the pain." I said and he gave me the what the fuck look and I nodded. Cc said-he would like to stay and all I could do is lay there waiting to fix the stitching.

" Miss I need you to move your gown so i can reach the wound." He said and I did as I was told and I had to redirect Cc eyes a couple times. But other than that it was ok. We were finished and I walked to the car to go home and sleep. They all got in the car. Andy was in the passager seat. I fell asleep on Ashely. I heard him laugh. I was sleeping in the car on Ashely. I felt like I was being picked up. I didn't care I was out of it.

"I can take her in the guest room." Amy was saying. I opened my eye's a little and saw that it was Andys. I didn't care I snuggled in his hold. I was laying in the bed when I felt a kiss on my forehead. I saw that Andy was staring at me. I pulled his arm and he looked shocked. I pulled him in the bed and I cuddled. Feel asleep quickly. Listening to his heart. It was pumping quickly at first. Slowing down after a while.

" Wake up Katherina, Its time for breakfast. Alex has a girlfriend." And with that, I woke up. Andy was laughing. I laid back down. 

"Not funny. You can leave now." I said as I was turning over in the bed. Trying to sleep. I felt the bed shift with the weight.

" Well, we still have to get breakfast," Andy said in my ear and I rolled where I was face to face with him. I stuck my tongue out at him. He then picked me up and ran down the stairs. I saw that all the guys were still here. Where did they all sleep?

" Well good morning Kat.  Nice underwear." Jake was saying as I ran up the stairs. What the hell Andy a warning would be nice. I didn't have any pants. God, what was I going to do?

" Hey kat I have your pants. And a clean shirt." Brendon said. I opened the door. What was I supposed to do all most everyone knows what I'm wearing for underwear. 

"Thank you, Brendon. Hey, eyes up here." I said snapping my hand at him. He looked up and smiled. I pushed him out and went to take a shower and change. I didn't have any shampoo so Axe is going to work. I was singing in the shower. I turn the shower off and was singing until I was in the guest room stopping dead in my tracks were the guys. I ran to my room. What was I thinking of singing in the shower? I got changed and walked out the door slowly seeing if people were outside the door. As soon as I saw that there wasn't anyone in the hallway I ran to the stairs. I was about to slip but caught myself.

"Hey what are you doing," Alex said. I was going to say but I didn't want to hurt his feelings. So I just walked out the door.

" Kat, Where are you going?" Alex was saying as I was running down the street. I needed to think.

Authors note. Sorry for the weird story but thank you for reading. Keep reading to find out who she is going to. And what they mean to her. Bye.

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