Chapter: 13 Problems

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 I  don't know what I'm going to do. I can't deal with this. I start to hyperventilate. I heard sirens in the distance. Pounding on the door. And me standing in the middle of the room with a gun in my hand. Waiting for something to happen. Cc and Ashley with there back against the door, keeping it from opening.  

" OPEN THE DOOR KATHERINA." I heard the old voice say behind the door. I didn't say anything, scared that if I do I would break down.  I heard gunshots, and they weren't from me. It was quiet. I was still staring at the door. They backed away from the door. They were going to hug me but I flinched. And backed away thinking about the last encounter I had with him.


Getting back from Jays. I was walking through the front door. thinking of the funny joke that made me cry because it was that funny.

" Look who showed up." My dad was saying while walking toward me. I was walking backward away from him. He grabbed my hair and thrown to the wall. Alex was at his friends. Thankfully he wouldn't have to see this. I fell on my side. He was kicking me in the ribs over and over punching me in the face. Until I blacked out. 

flashback over

 I didn't know what to do. The door was slammed open. They were being investigated telling what happened. A male officer trying to grab for my arm. But I flinched and was walking backward. A woman had to escort me out of my house. I was frozen in place. I wouldn't say anything. I would flinch at a single touch of someone. I wouldn't say anything to anyone. The guys were talking to me trying to comfort me but I zoned out and was reliving everything again, and again. I was silently crying. Andy and the rest of them were over. Alex was standing by me. He tried to hug me but I wouldn't I backed away. I saw the hurt in his eyes. 

"What happened to Kat?" Amy said looking at me. I still will not talk to anyone. Scared what will happen if I do. Jay was running to me and I ran the other direction. 

"Kat, what's wrong?" Jay was saying looking at me. I said nothing.

"She's been like this ever since he showed up, she even pulled out a gun. What happened back there." Cc was looking at Alex for an answer. He couldn't give one, he was never around when all the beatings were given. At the mention of his name, a shiver went down my spine. 

"Kat, what is happening?" Andy was saying grabbing me by the shoulders. I looked at him scared to death.

" Please........ don't hit me I didn't do anything. I swear I didn't tell the cops." I said trying to get away.  I closed my eyes wait for it to happen. An ENT came over because Chris thought that there was something wrong with me.

" What is wrong with my sister she hasn't talked to anyone and we can't even hug her she keeps saying she didn't call the cops. Please help." Alex said looking at the ENT waiting for an answer. There was a minute of silence.

" She is reliving what happened to her before. Is there any case that she has PTSD." She was asking Alex was nodding at her. She went over to me and was saying something but I wasn't listening. Please let this be over. Let everything go back to normal.

"Where is her medication." She was asking everyone they looked at each other. Trying to remember where I put it.

" It should be in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom." Alex was saying at the end of the sentence Andy ran at full speed to the bathroom. I was curled in a ball scared what will happen next. Andy came rushing past everyone with two bottles.

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