Chapter 14: The Secret

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What was he thinking kissing me like that? He should have someone better than me. I need to stop this. But if I do nothing will be the same again. Damnit Andy why do you make everything so confusing. God, there is something wrong with me. I pulled away. I  walked away. I walked in the kitchen and let Chris finish what he started. It hurt a little. Once we were done with the cleaning. Amy was showing where I was going to sleep. They said that Alex was going to stay at Brendons.  I didn't mind I thought that it was a good thing that he was able to stay with someone other than his sister all the time.

" Can I come in." I heard Jake say. I thought about it for a moment. What is the worst that he can do? 

" You can come in, Only under one circumstance you can't say the name, Andy deal." I waited for his response. Then I heard footsteps down the stairs. Only to see that Jake was walking in my room. I patted the spot next to me on the bed. He sat next to me and hugged me. I was shocked. 

" Hey, do you want to go to a concert?" Jake asked and I was thinking about it I really didn't want to do anything right now but he was talking about a concert. I nodded and walked to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. I took a shower and got changed. Jake was still waiting on the bed. What is wrong with these people don't they think that if someone is in the shower they should wait downstairs because it isn't weird waiting there room for them. I was ready and walked to my bike. 

" What do you think you are doing," Jakes said. I looked at him weirdly. 

"What do you mean I'm going to be driving my bike and you will be on the back so you can give me directions.

" What are you afraid that people will think differently of you because you are on a back of a girls motorcycle." I laughed While I got on he was behind me.

" Do you have a helmet?" He asked and I laughed harder than ever.

" Just tell me where to go okay," I said and he nodded and held on my for dear life. What the hell has he never been on a bike before? He told me the directions still don't know what concert we are going to. We were really early. Jake got off. I got off after him and people whistled. I flipped them off.

" Who is going to be playing at the concert anyway?" I asked I am going to kill Jake because he still hasn't told me where we were going and who is playing.

" The show is going to start," Jake said while grabbing me by the arm and pulling me in the crowd. The show was playing Angel eyes my favorite song I knew all the words. We were all gamming along with the music.

" What the hell you bitch." I heard a man yell a blond was cowering in front of him. Jake was somewhere else. I walked over there.

" Is there something wrong here?" I said watching him look pissed at the people next to me.

" Yes, this bitch spilled on me." He punched he what the hell in public hell no. I punched him. Damn Kat how many fights are this in one week. The show stopped and I dodged a punch in the face.

" Pick on people your own size asshole," I said kicking him in the balls and in the face. I walked over to the girl with a bloody nose. 

"Tilt your head back," I said ripping my shirt for a towel to clean the blood. 

" Can someone get ice, please," I yelled and continued to help her. She pointed behind me. I looked behind me and saw a very pissed off looking man behind me. 

" What the fuck do you want now," I said looking at him. He looked like he would blow up. He punched me in the gut. I punched him in the face. He was on the ground but I didn't care. I continued to go and go. I felt someone grab my wrist. I saw Ricky Horror there. I got up. 

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