Chapter 5: Life Story

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They looked like they saw a ghost. They were standing there wide-eyed and their mouths open. Okay close them before you catch some flies guys. Hey that rhymed. 

"Close your mouths you'll draw flys. Now will someone tell me what is happening." I'm confused because the last thing I remember is being at the bar and now waking up.

"Kat you had a panic attack. Then you relived that night. Over again, you were screaming until you woke up." Alex looks like he was crying for hours. All I did was run over and hug him again. I never wanted him to see me like this. I didn't want anyone to see it. I should be stronger for him.

"I'm so sorry everyone but I should go. Sorry for the trouble I will be on my way." And with that, I was going to walk out the door until everyone against my wishes hugged me, even Brendon.

"Katherina, It is ok you don't have to feel sad now we already called you in for work and the school for Alex. You need to sleep and eat because you haven't eaten since Friday.  After that I want you to call me Amy, And Chris." I didn't know what to say because all I could do was stand there shocked because I thought that they would think that I am a freak a reject.

"Sorry for bugging but what happened to you." Brendon was saying with his arms crossed leaning against the doorway.

"Alex can explain because all I want to do is eat and lay down I don't feel good." After I said that I ate the eggs and toast they gave me and headed upstairs. Alex was explaining what happened I heard some of the cries but I wasn't in the mood for the comforting.  After some resting I went downstairs and sat on the couch next to Amy and Alex. I think that Alex thinks of Amy as a mother.

"So what are we going to do today because I think that I will go insane if I do nothing all day." Alex looked at me and was smiling I lightly punched his arm.

"Well, I thought that we could go to the mall. Look at Hot Topic." Andy was saying. With the Words Hot Topic, I was off the couch and in my shoes. They were laughing and the rest of the walked to put their shoes on.

"I think that I want to stay here with Amy and Chris." Alex was saying as we hugged goodbye.

" If you need anything just call me and I'll be there okay?" Nodding. "So can I go home and get my bike because I don't want to sit on one of their laps again with your crazy driving." Shooting him a look that says ( yeah I'm talking about you).

"Ok but I think that you will slow us down." Ashely was saying. I think he wanted to have a race and I know that I will win because I know a shortcut. 

"Are you saying that you want a race. Ash?" Oh, it is on if so.

"Yep." With that, I ran out the door and to my house. Grabbed my keys and started the engine and, waited for them to get to my house for the race.  They arrived and they said that they would win but. They won't. 

" Ready, Set, GOOOO" We went and I was in the lead they were behind. I took and turn and they didn't. Suckers. About a block away and I never saw them I was going 120 MPH. Pulled into the parking lot. I waited for about 10 mins. I knew they wouldn't believe me so I sent a picture and sent it to Andy.

"How the hell did you get here that fast I was going 90 MPH? Like I thought that I was going to win." Andy said with a pouty face that was adorable. Wait I can't think like that we are friends and that is it nothing else.

" Well, go faster next time loser. And I took a shortcut here. Now if you don't mind I hear Hot Topic calling my name." They nodded and Ash gave me 20 bucks. We were walking to Hot Topic when I saw Luke.

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