Chapter 16: Match

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Hi sorry, this is going to be a long story. I am on the bus and write because I doesn't take internet and it is fun. So be aware that it is long. (That's what he said)

It was Luke. What didn't the other twin not understand? I looked at him and walked past him bumping my shoulder on the way out of the bathroom. I think that if you're person that I hate walks through the doors and wants a tattoo I will draw a penis on there arm or leg where ever. It would be funny.

"Have a good day Chris call me if you need anything," I said while finishing cleaning the mess that I had made while doing his tattoo.

"Look the freaks are friends," Luke said practically wanting to be punched in the face. I looked at him.

"What do you think you are doing. Talking bad about people with a better personality then the whore you call a girlfriend." I said looking at him with daggers in my eyes.  I was so not going to tolerate him talking about Chris like that. Who does he think he is? The king and some shit hell no because he is the person that serves him.

" Who do you think you are talking about her like that." I was going to snap but I have to keep my cool because I have to be professional at work. But I'm sure that Chris doesn't. I looked back at him and he looked the way I felt. Pissed and I sure that I'm going to break up a fight today if I wanted to. I looked back at Luke who was giving the creepiest vibe ever. 

"By the way, Luke your fly is undone," I said even though it wasn't. He looked down and was checking his pants. Lol, this is going to be funny.

"Made you look," I said and laughed only to be punched in the gut. Again what is up with that spot. I looked up and didn't even flinch from the punch he did. Chris came around the corner and was walking really fast.

" Chris stay back I don't want you to be in the fight that I have to end," I said as I was walking to Luke.

"I've had enough with you and your games. You sent me broken. Literally with broken ribs. All because you blamed me for her death. It wasn't me it was my biological mom and she is gone. Didn't you ever think about how I felt about losing my sister? No, because the thing in your pants was sad because it couldn't cheat on, my sister. Well, guess what. I am not going to tolerate it I have a new family and people that I care about and I will not let you take that from me." I said telling him the truth and hoping that no one would have to leave in an ambulance.

"Well, the broken bones didn't work what should happen till you leave and never come back." He said and that was it I flipped. I jumped on him and punched him in the face too many times that Chris had to pull me off of him. My hands were covered in blood and I was shaking. 

"Leave and never show your face to me unless you want to die," I yelled at him. He scurried out of the door. I looked at Chris still shaking. I walked to the door and flipped the sign I couldn't deal with work anymore. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the door not a word to Chris and left after locking the door. Going Andys. Walking into the house and was greeted by Chris Biersack. 

"Hey how was work," Chris said as I sat on the couch exhausted. I really didn't want to explain it. 

"Long and confusing," I said as Tj walked down the stairs. I looked at him and opened my bag and eat my apple and drank my monster. They noticed my hand and I didn't care to clean it. It was mostly Lukes blood than mine.

"What happened to your hand?" Chris said and I shrugged. Andy now came down the stairs and was sitting next to Tj by me.

"Luke and Liam were at the shop today and Luke wanted to talk bad about Chris and throw hands and I threw them back. He is an asshole. Chris had to pull me off of him. So I left the shop early." Once I said Luke and Liam Andy had anger in his eyes. I thought that he was going to explode. Like poof gone.

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