Chapter 5: The Party

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 Today was Sunday a day off and Andy invited me to a party and I accepted it. Mrs. Biersack said that she would be taking of Alex for me. Getting ready when I heard a knock on my door and opened it to see Andy standing there. 

"Sorry, I'm still getting ready you can sit down while I get changed." I thought that I was on time for the getting ready part.

"Oh, It's okay I am early. Plis the guys are in the car I will go get them." Andy said as he was walking to his car.

"Well, I will be back." I was running up the stairs. Getting in the dress I had for years. I was walking down the stairs when I saw all of them in my living room.

"Hey guys want anything before we go I have monsters in the fridge." They ran to the fridge while I was laughing at them. We got in the car and I had to sit on CCs lap because there wasn't enough room. 

No one said anything for the beginning portion of the ride"Soo whose all going to the party?" trying to break the silence. 

"Well, Panic At The Disco will be there and Asking Alexandria, Sleeping With Sirens, And Falling In Reverse. and the usual strangers." Andy was saying saying as he made a sharp turn making me headbutt CC.

"Sorry CC if Andy had a license then we would turn smoother," I said in an apologetic voice. Glaring at Andy in the review mirror.

"Hey I do have a license but it was going to be a red light." Andy was arguing like a child. Pfft.

" Well, we're here." Finally, we got out of the car and walked in as a group I didn't blend because I'm a loner. I stayed close to the guys until I was at the bar wanting to have a water.

 Water," I told the bartender.

" Hello what is your name." a stranger asked and I ignored him as best as I could. 

"Hey, I was talking to you." He said grabbing my arm. God, why can't there be one day without getting hurt?

"Technically there has to be a reply to have a conversation to be talking to a person," I said before he pulled me out of my seat. Dragging me to the exit. Im trying to flag down someone I know. But I couldn't see anyone. As he pushed me out the door. I banged my head on the ground in the process.

"Whats going on here." A Voice said in the crowd. I thought that I saw someone get in a fight before I passed out.

Next day later 

I woke up with a stabbing pain in my head. I looking around and saw that I was in a bedroom.  jumping out of the bed and ran to the door and down the stairs. There is no way in hell that I was kidnaped. Searching for an exit. Seeing as i was in the living room when I saw the guys and Brendon Urie?

"Look shes up," Brendon said walking toward me and all I could do was stand the shocked.

"What happened last night I have a killer headache." While saying this I was handed a painkiller. Thanks Jinxx. 

"Sorry but I have to go home and take my medician, and take Alex to school then I have to go to work oh and school." By the time I was done listing the things I needed to do I was hyperventilating. 

"look you need to calm down, take a deep breath, in and out, in and out," Jake was trying to say but I couldn't hear him I was reliving when I was with my mom.

" Leave me alone. AHHHHHHHH." I couldn't get out of my dream.

Brendon's P.O.V

"Whats happening to her?" I was confused before I knew it she was screaming and then passed out.

"She has PTSD because of her mom and we need to take her home now." Andy was saying as he was carrying her to the car and leave without the guys.

"What the hell happened to her for that?" Everyone was wondering 

Kat's P.O.V

" Why am I always waking up somewhere other than home?" Walking to the living room I found my brother I ran and hugged him.

"Hey what are you doing here?" While pulling apart from him I was looking at him in the eyes and he looks worried.

" Mom she is awake," Andy told his mom. She ran over to me and hugged me and never let go I couldn't breathe. 

"Mrs. Biersack I can't breathe. Release." She let go and I was gasping for air.  What happened that made her react like this because that last thing that I remember was that I was drinking water at the bar then being dragged out by this strange man, and everything after that is fuzzy. Andy walked up and hugged me resting his head on my shoulder. When we pulled apart I heard the door open to see the guys and Brendon look angry and worried. What is up with the worriedness. 

"What was that back there and you left us," Jinxx said pointing to Andy how looked like he would cry right there.

" Yeah what did happen," I said looking at everyone and they all looked like they were a ghost?

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