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Walls of the bunker are shaking because of the countless bombs falling on North Korea. General Kim Seokjin is sweating at table covered in maps and messages from battlefield. He needs to find some way how to win this war.

Leader of North Korea said that he is waiting in Pyongyang for great victory of North Korea. But he hasn't said how. Their army is huge, they have many privates, but it isn't enough. Their guns aren't good enough to defeat South Korea army. South has best small arms, tanks, air defence, everything. What is general Kim supposed to do?

In corner of the room are standing Taehyung and Jimin. They are only privates, so they can't stop this madness. They are only boys and doesn't want to be here. They are clutching machine guns in their hands and listen sounds of exploding bombs outside. Next to general Kim is sergeant Min. He is very talented, but this is too much. Min looked in general's eyes and sadly shakes his head.

"We can't hold them back for any longer."

Kim sighed and hit the table with his palms. He can't save his country. At least he hopes that he will die here in the bunker. He doesn't want to face the leader. Whole country is going to fall apart under strength of the South and Seokjin can only watch.

He turned around and sees the two young privates standing next to the metal door.

"You served good to your country."

Jimin is silently crying and Taehyung's legs are shaking. They salute to their general and Seokjin turned away from them. Should he shot them before soldiers from South get here? They are in bunker inside hill and in valley under them is hell full of blood and pain. It is only matter of time before the soldiers get here and Seokjin doesn't want to wait. He will rather kill himself and the boys than ending in hands of South. Suddenly one bomb dropped too near to the bunker or the bunker simply can't hold together anymore. The walls and ceiling start to fall apart and big pieces of concrete are falling on the people inside. Min, Kim and the two soldiers run out of the bunker. They are running through the hallways which are falling apart too. They don't want to die. Taehyung and Jimin are too young to die and Min and Kim want to save their country and leader. They had no idea that South Korean soldiers have already found the entrance to the bunker. Almost hundred of soldiers is waiting for whoever will walk out of the bunker. Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin are suddenly standing in front of hundred guns aimed at them. Now general Kim really has no chance to save his country.

They have to put their guns on ground and lift their hands in the air. Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin ended with tied hands and legs. They are tightly tied and lay on their stomachs on floor of jeep. Seokjin is thinking about biting his tongue to commit suicide but his enemies are smart enough to gag their prisoners. After few hours their arrived to prisoners-of-war camp. It is huge place, basically just straight piece of ground with few buildings and very high fence with high voltage running through it. There is no escape only way out is death. South Korea army lock captured soldiers here and then torture the one who has high rank. Privates are often killed or taken to work in labour camps. Seokjin, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin are dragged out of the jeep. They throw them on ground and want to shoot Jimin and Taehyung right here on spot but Seokjin stopped them.

"They are with me! If you kill them I won't say anything."

Soldiers drag them in one of the buildings and down in the basements. They locked them in cell and Jimin with Taehyung break down. They are crying and hugging each other. What will happen now? The two boys fell asleep and Seokjin and Yoongi took of their jacket. They covered the boys and sit down again. Seokjin knows that he needs to find way how to save them, but he doesn't know how. They are locked here and Seokjin will be soon tortured for sure. Seokjin is general. He knows many things and he knows what president of South wants to know. Where is leader of North Korea.

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