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The ball ended after midnight and Namjoon is quite drunk. Seokjin helped him out of his suit and tucked him under blanket. Then he finally got out of his dress and stands there naked for a while until Namjoon started to snore. Then Seokjin went in Namjoon's closet and took some of his clothes.

Namjoon's clothes are big for him but he needs something comfy, he cant run in skirt.

Seokjin put few more pieces of clothes in his bag and then takes some money from Namjoon's wallet. He turned to the sleeping man and hesitantly kissed him on forehead. Seokjin silently opened a window and then jumped out.

Seokjin silently landed on the wet grass and starts to run. He is quick and silent as a cat and soon enters the forest. Seokjin turned to the sleeping palace for the last time. He is thinking about Jimin and Taehyung sleeping in their crib. About Yoongi who is sleeping snuggled to Hoseok. He is betraying them, but he doesn't belong here.

Seokjin sighed and starts to run again. He cant think about them. They would only slow him down. Taehyung and Jimin aren't able to even stand up and maybe Yoongi too because he is crawling all the time. Seokjin must do this. For now his goal is to get to his sister and then he will think again. Maybe he can tell secrets of his country to Americans or Russians or to whoever who will able to protect them.

Soon Seokjin is standing in front of high wall. There are guards but Seokjin only waits until one of them goes to piss in bushes where he is hiding and then hit him with a rock. Seokjin took the guard's hat and jacket and casually walked out of the wood toward the second guard. His face is hidden thanks to dark and the second guard has no idea who is standing in front of him until it is too late. He tried to call for help and already had walkie talkie in his hand but Seokjin's fist is faster. He climbed over the wall and runs again.

After few more hours of run and quick walk he sees sun which is slowly appearing on East. Seokjin sees small city few kilometers away and headed there. He will buy some food, take a short break and then he will continue. Seokjin is sure that soon everyone will be looking for him so he cant use trains or buses. Maybe he can steal a car but it is too risky. He needs to get to some seaport and there he is going to find smugglers who will get in Europe. Seokjin bought small snack and then continue in walking. The closest seaport is quite far and Seokjin decided to risk and hitch-hike.

Some old grand pa stopped and Seokjin is sitting in his car while the grandpa is speaking about his grandchildren. After two hours Seokjin bowed to him and walks for few hours. He bought another food and sat down on a bench. He opened his backpack for a bit and watches the beautiful tiara which Namjoon gave him. He doesn't want to sell it but it will pay his journey to Europe. Seokjin got up again and after few hours came evening.

He is tired and walks on small road in middle of nowhere. Seokjin turned into woods in hope that he will find some cave or other place to sleep. Instead of a cave he found a cabin. It is almost ruined.

The windows are broken, roof has many holes but Seokjin is happy. He walked inside and scared two brown hares who ran away. Seokjin found a dry spot and cleaned it a bit with few branches with leaves. Then he laid down and shivered in cold. He is watching the dark forest and hears many weird noises coming from animals. A mouse ran around him and Seokjin is slowly falling asleep.

Suddenly the forest goes silent and Seokjin's eyes snapped open. This isn't good. Seokjin jumped up and grabbed his backpack. Sharp lights flooded the ruined cabin and Seokjin can see soldiers. They found him!

Seokjin is running but he has no chance. Two soldiers quickly jumped on him and pulled him down on ground. In few seconds Seokjin's wrists are tied behind his back and they dragged him to black jeep. They tossed him inside and drive off. Seokjin is fighting with them so the soldier next to him tied his ankles together and put a black bag on his head. Seokjin doesn't know where they are or what is going to happen with him. After long time the car stopped and they dragged him somewhere. Seokjin feels that they must be in some cold building and they pushed him on a chair.

Someone took of the bag from his head and Seokjin is blind because of the sharp lights around him. After while he sees president and Namjoon standing in front of him with few soldiers.

"Seokjin ... why?"

Namjoon has red swollen eyes and looks like a puppy who was kicked.

"I didn't mind that my sons took you in my house because you weren't running around. But when you ran away you broke my rules."

President is looking on Seokjin with stern glare and then left.

"Is my sister going to die now? When I made you angry?"

Namjoon silently opened and clothes his mouth few times.

"Seokjin ... I don't know how to say this. She is dead."

Seokjin is staring on him and then fell on his knees.

"Don't kill her! Punish me for trying to escape but not her!"

Namjoon groaned and feels tears in his eyes.

"No, its not like this. She died with your parents."

Seokjin stopped crying and roared in anger.

"No! You said that you saved her! You said that!"

Seokjin is scratching his face and yells on top of his lungs. Pain, anger and grief are filling him and Seokjin is falling apart.

"Gone. Everyone is gone."

Seokjin is rocking back and forth until he got an idea.

"How did she die?"

Namjoon bites his lips because this isn't nice story.

"When soldiers arrested your family she tried to take their gun but they caught her. She was raped and then she was beaten to death."

Seokjin is completely still and silent. And he stays like this for whole next day until he spoke again.

"I want to speak with your father."

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