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After yesterday's fiasco everyone is quiet. Taehyung is still like a doll, Yoongi is scared off his master after trying how much the shock collar hurts. Only Seokjin is thinking about how to save them from more abuse. He got an idea that maybe Namjoon could help him. They are eating breakfast and Seokjin is anxiously gripping his chopsticks. He is scared of asking Namjoon but he has to ask.

"I was thinking that maybe I could visit others more often."

Namjoon chews meat in his mouth and thinks about it. Yes, maybe he could.

"I think yes if Hoseok and Jungkook agree."

Seokjin smiled a bit and Namjoon's heart fluttered. Namjoon smiled and showed his dimples.

"Later we can go ask them."

Seokjin finished his breakfast and they really go to ask Hoseok. Namjoon knocked on door and then they enter. Yoongi is sleeping curled into ball.

"Hoseok, Seokjin would like to spend more time with Yoongi. Can he?"

Hoseok thinks for a while. Maybe Seokjin is planning to escape. But he can't even if he persuades Yoongi, they are in their palace with best security.

"Yes, but he can't take of Yoongi's cat gear."

Namjoon sat Seokjin on couch and Hoseok lifted Yoongi. He woke up and squirmed in hold of his master. Hoseok put him down on couch next to Seokjin.

"Can I pet him please?"

Hoseok nodded and Seokjin started to stroke Yoongi's hair and sees thin wound on around his neck. Yoongi is calm and put his head on Seokjin's thigh.

"I am going to protect you Yoongi."

Seokjin whispered in his ear and Yoongi's purred.

"Kitten like him didn't know that it is bad to jump on people. I am sure that he didn't mean it yesterday."

Namjoon is sternly looking at his brother who nodded unsure.

"Maybe or he needs more training."

They have coffee together and Seokjin loves to be with Yoongi again. Yoongi looks more relaxed and nuzzles closer to Seokjin while Seokjin rubs his tummy. After while Yoongi crawled to Hoseok and meowed softly.

"What kitten?"

He is wearing his old collar again and the shock collar is back in its box.

"Do you want some milk?"

Hoseok poured bowl of milk and Yoongi starts to lick the creamy substance. Then he licked his lips and Seokjin knows that they can leave. Hoseok used the shock collar before on his last pet but they weren't so small as Yoongi so it hurt him more. Seokjin and Namjoon left and go to Jungkook's room. They hear hysterical crying and worried Jungkook opened the door. They stepped inside and see crying Taehyung in the playpen.

"What happened?"

Jungkook laid crying Taehyung down and opened his wet diaper. He changed the diaper, but Taehyung is still crying. Seokjin lifted him from ground and Jungkook watches in disbelief how is the general rocking Taehyung in his arms.

Taehyung is already red in face and doesn't care that Seokjin is holding him. Seokjin is rocking Jungkook's baby and stars to sing a lullaby.

Hey doggie, don't bark

Our baby sleeps so well

Hey chickie, don't bark

You'll wake our child's sweet sleep

Hush hush our baby

Our baby sleeps so well

A baby more beautiful than the moon

A baby more beautiful than the stars

Hush hush our baby

Our baby sleeps so well

A baby more beautiful than flowers

A baby more precious than gold

Hush hush our baby

Our baby sleeps so well

Taehyung stopped crying and only hiccupped. Seokjin smiled sadly and kissed his forehead. Namjoon silently clapped his hands few times because Seokjin's voice is really beautiful. Jungkook takes his baby from Seokjin and laid him down in his crib. Seokjin wants to touch Jimin but Jungkook stopped him.

"He is being punished."

Seokjin frowned.

"But he smells terribly."

Jungkook shakes his head no again and they leave the nursery. Seokjin doesn't like that he has to leave Taehyung and Jimin alone, moreover when Jimin is suffering.

"You can visit them, but you must not change my rules. They belong to me and you are Namjoon's, you are only a pet like them."

Seokjin blinked few times to push away his tears and nodded. Jungkook is right. Seokjin is only pet, Namjoon's pet. He has no rights if he wants to protect his sister. He must fully obey to Namjoon. Namjoon smiled at Seokjin and stroked his hair.

"We don't need to be here when the babies are sleeping."

They go back in their room and Namjoon stroked Seokjin's naked back.

"What about some reward for me princess?"

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