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Jimin desperately squirms in his crib. His bum is covered with dry feces and the smell is terrible. Jimin's whole body is stiff and hurts but Jungkook isn't leting him go. Today is last day of his punishment but he doesn't know it.

Jimin lost sense of time, he can only say if it is day or night. Jimin is hungry and dirty but no one is paying attention to him. He tried to catch Taehyung's attention, but he is already daddy's good boy and slipped deep in little space.

Right now Jimin is watching Taehyung weakly kicking his legs and whining. Jungkook came in few seconds and lifted Taehyung from his crib and walked away to feed Taehyung breakfast.

Jimin wants to be good too. He wants to be feed by his daddy, he wants his daddy to clean his diaper. But what he wants most is being unswaddled. Jimin is feeling so weak and sucks on his pacifier gag. If only it could turn into bottle of milk. Jimin is trying to focus on something different when the door opened again and Jungkook is standing above his crib.

"Did you learn your lesson?"

Jimin whined and wants daddy to lift him up. Finally Jungkook unswaddled him and grabbed him under armpits.

"Let's wash you."

Jimin weakly cried and Jungkook carried him in bathroom. Then he washed Jimin's red bum covered in ugly rash. Jungkook put thick layer of lotion on his bum and laid him on changing table. Then he realised that Jimin isn't fighting. His boy is only lying there and cried because his daddy isn't holding him. Jungkook is suspicious, maybe Jimin is only faking it.

"Jiminie who am I?"

Jimin stopped whining and made grabby hands toward him.


He weakly whined and Jungkook is finally completely sure. He succeeded in pushing Jimin into little space!

Jungkook smiled and closed Jimin's fresh diaper. He carried him in his room where is Taehyung already sitting in highchair and sat Jimin in another highchair next to Taehyung.

"Who is hungry!?"

Jimin immediately lifted his hands while Taehyung only babbled something incoherent. Jungkook smiled and kissed his perfect babies. Jungkook is crazily deep in love with them. How are they cutely blinking and exploring everything with their mouths, their matching outfits and amazed looks when Jungkook feeds them tasty food. This proud daddy simply has to smile. He doesn't need wild parties and tons of sexy girls in his bed, he only needs his baby boys.

"Lest get dressed and we will show you to everyone!"

Jungkook lifted them and carried them in their nursery. His babies are sitting on fluffy carpet while he is choosing clothes for them. Finally he found something cute and dressed them.

Jimin's outfit

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Jimin's outfit

Taehyung's outfit  

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Taehyung's outfit  

Then he sat them down on thick blanket and Taehyung immediately fell on his back. Jimin crawls around and explores their toys until he hears some noises behind him.

"Say hello to my little babies! They are both little now!"

Taehyung and Jimin are staring on the people in front of them and Taehyung starts to bite hem of his clothes while Jimin is slobbering around his pacifier. Seokjin is staring at Jimin because he thought that he is the most stubborn soldier which he has ever met. And now the stubborn soldier messed his diaper with loud fart.

Jungkook hurries to change him and others sat down around Taehyung.


The baby happily yelled and made grabby hands toward Yoongi. The kitten doesn't like loud noises and finds this baby annoying so he crawls in opposite direction. Taehyung pouted and wants to cry but luckily for him his uncle Namjoon knows how to handle this situation. He grabs one stuffie and made him dance crazily in front of Taehyung. Seokjin stroked his hair and

Taehyung turned his glassy eyes toward him. Seokjin smiled at him because at least Taehyung is now safe and he has full stomach. He doesn't have to kill in name of their leader anymore but Seokjin isn't sure if Taehyung likes this. Maybe Taehyung became good baby only to escape from his memories and more beating.

Anyway he seems happy and clapped his hands when his daddy came back. He kissed his babies and they started to play with them. Jimin and Taehyung are too little so they are only biting on every possible toy and watch their uncles, aunt, kitten and daddy. Soon Taehyung starts to cry.

Jungkook panicked shortly after he realised that his baby is simply hungry. He prepared two bottles of baby formula and hands them to his babies. They are hungrily sucking on their bottles and everyone is cooing over their cuteness. Even Seokjin but that is because Namjoon is spicing his meals with estrogen powder. It makes Seokjin more emotional and also hornier. Namjoon is doing it because Seokjin was too manly for his liking and now it is better, like yesterday when they watched Titanic and Seokjin cried. It gave Namjoon opportunity to cuddle with his princess and stole few kisses.

Seokjin is holding Jimin's bottle for the baby because his arms are sore after being swaddled for so long. Jimin burped after finishing his bottle and then starts to play with his little brother. Jimin and Taehyung are speaking in their own alien language and babble something incoherent. Jungkook opened bottle of champagne and poured glass for his brothers and Seokjin.

"Let's drink on us and our lovely pets! Cheers!"

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