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President Jung is going to visit prisoners-of-war camp today. He takes his three sons Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook with him because they need to see what war means. And he also needs to ask why the hell they still don't know where is leader of the North. They drive in luxurious limousine and soon stopped in front of high metal gate. The camp is huge and many people are sitting behind the fence. In last few days it was raining heavily so now the ground turned into mud.

"Father aren't they cold?"

Jungkook asked and his brothers Namjoon and Hoseok chuckled.

"Kookie no one asks them and no one cares about them. They are prisoners."

Their father turned to his sons.

"Kookie they are our enemies. It has to be like this."

President is speaking with commander of the camp and his sons are looking at the poor men. Suddenly four young men caught their attention. They are huddled together and two of them are crying. They unknowingly stepped closer to the fence and two soldiers warned them about high voltage which is running through the fence. Hoseok is watching the petite boy with feline eyes and milky white skin. Jungkook is watching the two crying boys and Namjoon is looking at the handsome man who is hugging the crying boys.

After while all three of them go to find their father. Maybe that their wish is going to be too much but they have secret weapon. Jungkook's cuteness. They lead their father to place where are the four sitting.

"Father let me take the handsome one and you don't need to give my present for Christmas."

Namjoon is smiling at his father and his cute dimples make their father's heart softer.

"Dad I want the one who looks like a kitten. And I swear that I don't want present for Christmas or birthday."

Hoseok is begging his father who is now really thinking about it.

"Dad please......"

Jungkook is baby of his family and makes the most powerful puppy eyes. He is weak when it comes to his sons. After death of their mother and his beloved wife he gives them everything.

"Okay. Take them."

They happily clapped their hands and the commander sent few soldiers to get the prisoner and soon they dragged the four men in front of them. They look terribly and don't fight when their hands got tied. Then they are pushed into the limousine and president with his sons got in the car too. They are driving silently toward the president's palace. Jimin and Taehyung are still crying and Yoongi with Seokjin think about escape. The car stopped and they are dragged inside the palace. They are pushed on couch and president's sons sit down in front of them.

"I am the general so punish me but let the rest go."

Seokjin is still trying to save Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung.

"We are not punishing you, we are giving you new life."

Jungkook is impatient and jumped toward Jimin and Taehyung.

"You are my babies from now!"

He caught startled Jimin and Taehyung and easily lifted them. Jungkook is like bunny on steroids and loves to work out so he has big muscles. He is carrying the two boys away while Seokjin and Yoongi want to save them, but it is too late. Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist while Namjoon lifted Seokjin bridal style. President is listening the boys screaming and sighed. He can't spend much time with his sons so he is glad that he could give them something entertaining.

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