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Warning: pet play

Warning: pet play

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Hoseok's bedroom

Hoseok carried Yoongi into his bedroom and locked the door behind them. Yoongi is hissing angrily and bites Hoseok's hand. Hoseok yelled in pain and let go of Yoongi who runs to hide somewhere or find some weapon. Hoseok quickly recovered from shock and runs behind Yoongi. Yoongi's sickly thin legs are shaking while he is frantically searching for something sharp. Hoseok grabbed Yoongi around waist and lifted him of the floor.

"Kitten stop this nonsense."

He is patting Yoongi's black hair while rubbing his back. It works but Yoongi is still shaking in fear. At least he isn't screaming anymore. Hoseok carried the boy into bathroom and took of his dirty clothes. Hoseok throwed them in trash bin with disgust because they are probably full of some illnesses and germs. Then Hoseok ran warm bath and jumped in with Yoongi in his arms. He starts to wash his kitten who is trembling under his touches. Finally Yoongi is clean and their fun can begin.

Hoseok grabs Yoongi under armpits and carries him back in the bedroom.

"You are no longer human, from now you are my pet. My small kitten who walks on all four, eats from bowl and pees in litter box."

Yoongi is shocked and Hoseok put him down.

"Sit on your heels, palms on floor. Straighten your back. This is how you are going to sit from now."

Hoseok thought that Yoongi will fight again but he is only staring at Hoseok. Hoseok took collar and shows it to Yoongi. It is very nice collar. It is made from thick red leather, on back is silver circle for connecting leash. On front is silver jingle bell and name tag in shape of heart where is written Yoongi on one side and Property of Hoseok on the second side.

Hoseok fasten the collar around Yoongi's thin neck. It is tight enough to remind Yoongi his new status but not so tight to hurt him. Then Hoseok took a leather muzzle which is also made from red leather.

"This will teach you that kittens like you don't speak. Later I will teach you to meow."

Hoseok put the muzzle over Yoongi's mouth and it perfectly fits under his chin. The head harness keeps it securely in proper place. Yoongi looked up at Hoseok and finds it hard to even open his mouth behind the leather muzzle. Hoseok is hard just from seeing Yoongi like this but he isn't proper pet yet. Hoseok has to wait. He checked that straps of the harness which are leading over his face aren't hurting him and hummed in satisfaction.

Then Hoseok took red leather knee protectors and put them over Yoongi's knees. Like this his pet can crawl without hurting his knees. Then Hoseok fasten thick red leather straps around each of Yoongi's thighs. The straps can be connected with short chain and it will force Yoongi to take only smaller steps. Then Hoseok added pair of black cat ears into Yoongi's hair. Last addition is pair of thick red leather handcuffs, they can also be connected with chain.

Yoongi has to breathe through his nose because of the muzzle and his smell is getting better. He can smell the faint calming scent of the man in front of him. Yoongi knows that this isn't normal but for him it feels normal. Like he is supposed to be a kitten.

"Good pets can sleep in bed with master, bad pets have cage. Today is your first day and you were quite good today, so you will sleep with master."

Yoongi crawls closer to the bed but then Hoseok slapped his ass cheek.

"Pets wait for master's command."

Yoongi stopped crawling immediately and sits down how the man told him.


Hoseok then remembered that Yoongi has to be hungry so he sent servant to get them warm milk. When the servant came back Hoseok poured the milk into silver cat bowl and took of the muzzle.

"Eat kitty."

Hoseok is surprised when Yoongi starts to lick the milk without a fight. Hoseok is cooing every time when Yoongi's pink tongue dips in the milk. Soon Yoongi lapped out every drop and Hoseok patted his head. Now they can go to bed. Hoseok changed into satin set of pyjamas while Yoongi is left without clothes. Hoseok got under the duvets and patted spot next to him.

"Come kitty."

Yoongi can't get up on the high bed so Hoseok grabbed him under armpits again and lifted him. Yoongi is fairly light so it is no problem. Yoong curled into small ball next to Hoseok's side. Hoseok smiled at his pet and then remembered the muzzle. Yoongi whined when is the leather thing strapped back on but Hoseok then starts to stroke his hair. Yoongi is silently purring because he has never felt like this. Hoseok's gentle touches are the first sign of affection in his life. His parents only forced him to do what they wanted and didn't cared about him. His father often beat him because in his eyes it was teaching Yoongi how to be a tough man. And now Yoongi feels so good. He even forgives to Hoseok the harsh slap on his ass because Hoseok has right to do it. Yoongi is slowly falling asleep while Hoseok watches his cute kitten. Yoongi is perfect. So cute and petite like the most beautiful kitten.

Tomorrow Hoseok will add Yoongi's tail but for now his new pet needs to rest.

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