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Namjoon was surprised but called his father who immediately came. President doesn't want to admit it but he needs to end this war really soon. North is still fighting, they aren't as strong as before but war can't last much longer or his citizens are going to be mad. Maybe this is the moment which will end this.

President sat down and stares on broken Seokjin. This man wasn't break by war, by being Namjoon's girl. And now loss of his sister broke him.

"I am telling you were is hiding North Korea leader. Where are hidden weapons and secret roads and tunnels."

Everyone in the room gasped and stares on Seokjin who licked his dry lips.

"In mount Kumgang is hidden biggest bunker. There should be hidden the most powerful politicians and also the leader. Another bunker safe enough for them is right in the capital city under the palace but he knows that you are going to look there first."

Seokjin looks at Namjoon who hands him paper cup with hot tea.

"Under Kijong-dong are hidden many secret tunnels with prepared tanks and weapons."

After many more secrets Seokjin is done and went silent. President and others left, only him and Namjoon stay.

"Seokjin why did you ran away? I thought that you love me."

Seokjin smirked and looked at him.

"Being your whore isn't so great Namjoon and if you like me then why did you lie to me?"

Namjoon has nothing to say on this and reached his hand toward Seokjin.

"Let's go home, everyone miss you."

Seokjin hesitantly got up and took his hands. Namjoon leaded him out of hidden house where the soldiers held him and they got in car. Seokjin is silent until they arrived at the palace. He decided to take a shower first and then changed into clean clothes. Then he finally met Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi again.

The kitten is nuzzling against his leg and he holds the babies in his lap. Jungkook and Hoseok are still a bit angry because their brother was really hurt by Seokjin but also heard about what he did. After some time Seokjin and Namjoon went in their bedroom. Namjoon got on his knees and stares on him.

"I know that I lied and it was bad but I did it because I was scared. I really wanted you to stay with me. You wouldn't love me!"

Namjoon is crying and Seokjin can't hold himself back. He hugs Namjoon because he looks so sad that it is breaking his heart.

"Why do you love me?"

Namjoon looked up at him with swollen eyes.

"Because you are perfect! And I wanted to be with you, but I didn't know how to keep you!"

Seokjin patted his back and blushed. Perfect Namjoon is saying that Seokjin is perfect?

"I know that you should have tell you the truth but you were so sad and I couldn't say that she is death. I want you to be happy."

Seokjin knows that Namjoon isn't responsible for death of his sister and Namjoon is his only way how to be happy. Seokjin doesn't want to be alone, more than 7 billions people live on this planet but Seokjin's three most beloved people are dead. Now he can have Namjoon, but it will take some time for him to trust Namjoon.

"I can give you second chance."

Namjoon can't believe his ears.

"From now I am going to be honest and if not then you can kick me in balls!"

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