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Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook decided that it is time for their pets to meet again. Maybe it will help them to accept their new roles.

Yoongi is quite okay with being a kitten. He can only sleep and eat, Hoseok plays with him when he has time and gives his attention to his little kitten. Only problem is making number one or two in the litter box. Yoongi hates it and always tries to run away but Hoseok just pulled his leash harder and Yoongi is forced to go back. Right now it is morning and Yoongi has to do number two. Hoseok knows about it because Yoongi is wriggling and tries to clench his muscles. After the kitten farted Hoseok connected leash to his collar and leaded him into bathroom to the litter box.

"Go on kitty."

Hoseok pulled out the tail and pushed Yoongi's bare bum on the granular material. Yoongi is sure that this won't happen. He won't shit here.

"Do your business kitten or master will give you painful enema and spanking on top of it."

Hoseok kneeled down in front of Yoongi and the kitten starts to cry. He can't hold it anymore and starts to push. Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's chin and forced his kitty to look on his master. First turd fell in the litter box and Yoongi choked on his sobs. He is pushing more and Hoseok is encouraging him.

"Master is having such good kitten. Yoongi is the best pet on whole planet. He is doing his mess on proper place like a good kitten, like the best best kitten."

Yoongi is finished and meowed in distress. Hoseok cleaned his ass and called a servant to clean the litter box. Hoseok leaded Yoongi back in their bedroom and gave him small cracker shaped like a fish.

"Such a good kitten."

He is stroking Yoongi's hair and rubs spot behind his ear which sends Yoongi into dreamland.

Jungkook's situation is much worse. Taehyung seems like he would like to be a baby but Jimin doesn't let him. Whenever Taehyung wants to play with their toys or he does what Jungkook wants Jimin pinches him. Also Jimin wants to bring Jungkook into madness.

When they are having a nap and Taehyung actually fell asleep Jimin pinches him as hard as possible, so he will cry and Jungkook won't have a single free minute. Taehyung has small bruises on his arms and thighs from Jimin's brutal pinches. And today Jungkook had has enough.

They are having breakfast. Jimin and Taehyung are sitting in their highchairs diapered and they are wearing only shirts. Servants bring their breakfast and Jungkook takes a bowl full of mashed peaches and strawberries. Taehyung immediately opened his mouth and asked his daddy for being feed. Jungkook starts to feed him while Jimin is only frowning and glaring at them. He is hungry too, but he is stubborn. Jimin waits for moment when the freak turned around for napkin and pinched Taehyung's cheek. His sharp nails broke Taehyung's skin and he starts to wail. Jungkook gasped when he spotted bleeding Taehyung and got angry.


He hit the table with fists and Taehyung peed himself in fear. He immediately stopped screaming and cries silently.

"Not you my good baby, daddy is speaking about your little brother."

Jungkook lifted Taehyung and goes to treat the small wound. Then he sat Taehyung in playpen and leaned above Jimin.

"Enough of this. You think that there is a way how to escape? That i will let you go if you make me enough angry? No my boy."

Jungkook's eyes are now darker and he leaned closer.

"Daddy can break you completely. I can remove your teeth, i can damaged muscles in your arms and legs permanently so you will move like a worm."

Jimin is now really scared and tries to get away from Jungkook who now grips his head in his large hands.

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