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Yoongi is currently curled on his master's bed and he is having one of his daily naps. Yoongi rubs his head against the soft blanket under him and enjoys how is his leather collar rubbing against his neck. It is permanent reminder of being owned by his master Hoseok who is patting his hair.

Suddenly his blood ran cold. Yoongi's eyes snapped open and he listens again. No! Another dog is coming to get him! The barking sounds different but still, it is barking and some dog is coming here. Yoongi wants to jump down of the bed but Hoseok grabs his collar.

"Kitten calm down. Only one very friendly doggie is going to visit us."

It kills Hoseok that Yoongi is looking at him with fear and betrayal written in his eyes, but it is true. Only one very friendly doggie is coming to help Yoongi with his fear. Someone is knocking on door of their room and Hoseok goes to let their guests in. His kitten is frozen and only watches his happy master opening the door.

"Hello Chanyeol! Hi Baekhyun!"

Hoseok kneeled down in front of Chanyeol's puppy and Baekhyun gave him his paw. Hoseok smiled widely at the cute puppy. Baekhyun is really cute boy and he is even more cute puppy.

"Arf arf!"

Chanyeol tugged on golden chain which is connected to Baekhyun's white leather collar.

"Sorry, he is still only a puppy."

Baekhyun whined to show that he is sorry for scaring the kitten and curiously crawls around. He is naked, only the white collar is locked around his neck and inside his ass is inserted butt plug with brown fluffy tail. His hands are trapped in tight brown mittens with paw design and he has pair of brown floppy ears in his hair. Baekhyun suddenly spotted the kitten who is watching him.


Baekhyun barked and jolts forward to the bed where is the kitten. Chanyeol tugged on the chain and Baekhyun yelped. He crawls back to his master's legs and sat down. Baekhyun is sometimes disobedient but Chanyeol is ready to teach him a lesson wherever he needs it. His puppy is used to his master's sharp tugs on his leash which always chokes him a bit. Baekhyun looked up at his master and rubs his cheek against his leg.

Yoongi is cautiously watching them and isn't sure. He hates dogs and barking and it scares him but this puppy looks nice. Chanyeol tossed a pink ball on ground and Baekhyun happily chases it. When he got it, he starts to chew on his squeaky toy.

 When he got it, he starts to chew on his squeaky toy

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Baekhyun's toy

"Don't you want to play with Baekie?"

Hoseok rubs spot behind Yoongi's ear and put the kitten down on ground. The puppy hurries to him and softly sniffled Yoongi's hair. Then Baekhyun licked Yoongi's cheek which caused that the kitten hissed angrily.

"Omo! Baekie likes you kitty."

Hoseok patted Yoongi's bum and watches Yoongi hesitantly meowing and crawling toward Baekhyun who is exploring the bedroom. Chanyeol and Hoseok sat down and servants bring them coffee and some cakes and muffins.

Yoongi looked at the puppy who got his ball and dropped it on floor in front of Yoongi. Baekhyun is panting slightly and sticks out his pink tongue. Yoongi leaned down and pokes in the ball with his nose. Baekhyun barked happily and licked Yoongi's cheek again. Soon the two pets are playing and their masters are chatting but still keeping an eye on them.


Chanyeol roared and got up sharply. Yoongi got scared too although he did nothing wrong but Chanyeol simply has this effect. He is towering above them and glares at his small puppy who is now whining in fear. Baekhyun crawled close to his master and licked tip of his black polished shoes.

"Now you are sorry but that won't save you."

Chanyeol grabbed back of his neck and pushed his face in a small puddle of urine. The poor puppy was so happy while playing with his kitten friend that he didn't feel that he has to pee.

"Only good pets can play with friends!"

Chanyeol dragged Baekhyun to his chair and sat down again. This time he is holding Baekhyun's leash and then the puppy lay down. Baekhyun put his chin on his paws and watches Yoongi with sad eyes. The kitten was happy with his friend and now it isn't fun to play alone. Yoongi crawled next to his master and tugs on his pants.


Hoseok looked down at him and smiled sadly.

"We will pee to prevent another accident."

Hoseok took Yoongi in bathroom and Yoongi peed in his litter box. Then they go back and Yoongi lay down next to Baekie. Baekhyun whined and snuggled to Yoongi. Baekhyun rolled on his back and showed his tummy to the masters in hope that they will forgive him.

"Baekie you can play but next time no accidents, okay?"

Baekhyun barked few times and Chanyeol smiled. The pets are playing again and Yoongi brings his favourite toy. It is a fish made from soft rubber and Yoongi really loves it because it is truly only his and new and he doesn't have to share it. After few hours Baekhyun crawled to Chanyeol and lay his head on his thigh. Baekhyun is tired and Chanyeol ran his fingers through Baekhyun's hair and sent him into dreamland. Yoongi jumped on their bed and curled into a ball.

He is tired too but still watches his master to make sure that he is there and he is keeping a watch above him and makes sure that Yoongi is safe. Of course that Hoseok is looking at his lovely kitten and brings him bowl of water to keep his kitten hydrated and then covered him with a soft blanket. Yoongi smiled and closed his eyes to take a well deserved nap.

PS: I have an important exam tomorrow so wish me luck.

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