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Warning: smut, pet play

Hoseok woke up with Yoongi pressed close to his side.

"Wake up kitty."

Hoseok chuckled when Yoongi only growled silently behind the muzzle.

"You are my little grumpy kitten."

Hoseok got up and left Yoongi on the bed. Hoseok send servants to get breakfast for him and bowl of milk for Yoongi. He opened the newspapers and reads while waiting for their food. Some rustling made Hoseok lifted his head. Yoongi is sitting on his heels and his head is tilted to side.

"Come here kitty. Your milk will be here soon."

Yoongi carefully jumped of the bed and crawls toward his master. The small jingle bell on his collar is jingling and Yoongi sat down again next to his master. Hoseok is stroking Yoongi's hair and the car ears look so good on him. Then Hoseok took of the muzzle and gently grabs Yoongi under chin with two finger and tilted his head back.

"Do you have something what you want to tell me?"

Yoongi licked his lips and only looks in Hoseok's eyes for few seconds.


Hoseok smiled widely and connect the leather handcuffs with short chain. Then he connected the leather straps on Yoongi's thighs too. Servants came with breakfast and Hoseok places the bowl on floor in front of Yoongi. Yoongi wants to eat but then remembers that he has to wait for permission. He looked up at Hoseok who smiled widely at his cute obedient kitten.

"Eat darling."

Yoongi is licking his milk and Hoseok is eating fruit salad. Yoongi soon finished his milk and he is still hungry. He looked up at his master and after while Hoseok spotted him. Hoseok smiled and takes one strip of freshly fried bacon.

"Beg kitty."

Yoongi whined and lifted his hands. Hoseok cooed because Yoongi looks like the cutest kitten. He holds the bacon for Yoongi who quickly eats it and then fed him another five strips. Then Hoseok wiped his hands and put on the muzzle again. Yoongi is fighting a little bit because he hates the thick leather thing but Hoseok is stern. He connected leash to Yoongi's collar and tugged on it to show him to move. Hoseok leaded his pet in the bathroom. There is already waiting a litter box for him. Hoseok pointed at the box.

"Do your business kitten."

Yoongi is shocked. He cant pee in it, absolutely not. Hoseok tugged harshly on the leash and Yoongi is forced to get in the box. The granular material under him is hurting his palms and Yoongi shifted uncomfortably.

"Kitten you have five seconds. Do your business or master will need to spank you."

Hoseok growled because he doesn't have time for this. He has a meeting and Yoongi cant piss himself. Moreover they have still one important thing in front of them. Yoongi has no other option than pee. Hoseok is watching him and it is making this whole thing even more complicated. Small trickle of urine starts to run out of Yoongi's penis and the pet is red as tomato. This is so embarrassing. Yoongi finished and Hoseok praised him for being good kitten. Then he leaded Yoongi back in the bedroom and laid him on bed. Hoseok took long black box from his nightstand and put it on bed next to Yoongi. He unfastened the muzzle and smiled at his kitty.

"Have you ever had sex?"

Yoongi shakes his head no and Hoseok cooed. So his pet is a virgin? Interesting.

"Master is going to show you what is sex."

Hoseok wrapped his hand around Yoongi's small penis and starts to pump his hand up and down. Yoongi's penis went hard and he is moaning softly.

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