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Jungkook's bedroom

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Jungkook's bedroom

Jimin and Taehyung are fighting with the muscular man who is carrying them. Jungkook is smiling because he knows that babies can be fussy. He stepped inside his bedroom and put them in their playpen. It has high railing, so they can't get out and only watch how Jungkook locked the door.

"Finally! Daddy is alone with his babies."

Jungkook kneeled next to the playpen and cooed because Jimin and Taehyung are so perfect. He called one servant and told him to take Jimin while he grabs Taehyung. The boys are screaming and kicking around again while they are being carried to the bathroom. Maid has already prepared warm bath and clothes for the new babies.

When Taehyung heard noises of running water he froze for a minute. No! He thought that he has escaped from the torture. Taehyung starts to gag and feels like his nose and lungs are full of water again. Jungkook sees that something is wrong with his baby but he doesn't know what. Taehyung is slowly turning blue from lack of oxygen and finally he gave up and passed out in arms of his daddy.

"Doctor! Get me a fucking doctor!"

Jungkook is yelling furiously and maid ran to get the doctor. Jungkook is cradling limp body of his baby boy and doesn't understand what he did wrong.

"You are going to drown him! Like the men in camp!"

Jimin is now crying and watches his limp brother. Jimin is so scared. What is he going to do to them? Doctor came and told that Taehyung probably had a panic attack but he is okay. Jungkook nodded and carefully lowered Taehyung in the warm water and the servant who is holding Jimin put him down too. Jungkook is holding Taehyung and gently washes his petite body damaged by hunger and torture. Jimin is hissing quietly when the water enter his wounds but stays still, too scared to move.

Jungkook finished bathing Taehyung and lifted him from the water. He laid his baby on big changing table and dried him with finest towel. Then he massaged mixture of best oils in his skin and opened one drawer of the changing table. Jungkook took two white thick fluffy diapers with baby blue clouds. He put one aside and unfolded the second one. He grabbed Taehyung's ankles and lifted his bum. He slides the diaper under Taehyung's bum and sprinkled baby powder on his crotch. Then he closed the diaper and left Taehyung laying there. Jungkook goes back to the bathtub and washes Jimin. He called the doctor again to treat Jimin's wounds. Jungkook as their daddy holds Jimin while the doctor cleaned his wounds and put bandages on them. Now the boys look much better. With many wounds and too thin but at least they are clean. Jungkook laid Jimin on the changing table and restrained his hands and legs with thick velvet restrains. Jimin is fighting but it is useless. He ended in the thick diaper too. Now he cant put his legs together because the diaper is so thick. Maid handed pyjamas for them to Jungkook.

Dressing Taehyung is like dressing a perfect doll

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Dressing Taehyung is like dressing a perfect doll. He is still passed out so he has no idea that Jungkook is dressing him in cute pink night gown. Then Jungkook handed Taehyung to maid who carefully takes the boy from her master. She knows that if something happens to Jungkook's two toys she will be dead.

Dressing Jimin is hard because the boy is trashing around but Jungkook finished dressing him and tightly swaddled his baby in thin blanket. Now Jimin cant move but he started to scream. Jungkook quickly pushed teat of pacifier gag between his lips and fastened the straps behind his head. Now Jimin's screaming is muffled and almost inaudible. Then Jungkook laid him down in his crib and gagged Taehyung too.

He must swaddle Taehyung too because who knows when is he going to wake up and in Jungkook's eyes his baby isn't ready to be a good boy. He would probably climb out of his crib like a naughty baby who doesn't wait for daddy. Then Jungkook smiled at his babies and turned of the lamp which is standing on small table between their cribs. Jungkook turned on crib mobiles hanging above cribs of his babies. He knows that Taehyung doesn't see the cute small rabbits who are circling above his head or the soft calming melody. But Jimin is watching the small rabbits and it is hypnotizing. Also the soft melody is calming him down. His eyes are growing more and more heavy until they closed for good. Jungkook smiled and gently kissed Jimin's forehead and then Taehyung's. His babies are perfect but still, very long road is waiting for them.

 His babies are perfect but still, very long road is waiting for them

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Taehyung's and Jimin's nursery

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