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In the morning Jungkook woke up and smiled widely. He jumped out of his bed and quietly opened door of his babies nursery. His babies are still laying in their cribs tightly swaddled in blankets. Jungkook leaned above the cribs. His baby boys are so cute and soon they won't need to be gagged with their pacifiers, they will suck on them on their own. Taehyung and Jimin have still dry diapers so Jungkook doesn't need to change them. He lifted Taehyung and laid him on the changing table. He restrained him and then did the same thing to Jimin. Doctor is coming soon and his babies needs to be ready. Jungkook undressed them and now sees that Taehyung is slowly waking up.

"Hi baby boy. You scared daddy really much."

Taehyung is confused for a while but then remembers where is he. He weakly fights with the restrains and Jungkook only kissed top of his head. They are disturbed by light knocking on the door and soon the doctor stepped in. Jimin is awake too but he is faking sleep because he needs to think. He has to find some way how to escape. Jimin is watching crying Taehyung who is whimpering behind the pacifier gag. Taehyung was always too innocent and soft. He easily cries, you only need to yell at him and he is crying in few seconds. On the other hand Jimin is stronger. He won't show his fear or cry. Especially not in front of this man.

Taehyung's whimpering turned Jungkook's and the doctor's attention to him. The doctor opened his bag and turned to Jungkook.

"What can I do for you sir?"

Jungkook thinks for a while.

"Just give them the shoots for today."

The doctor nodded and takes many needle and ampoules made from glass. Jungkook is watching his babies squirming in restrains and stands next to the changing table. Jimin is watching the doctor who stabbed first needle in his knee. He is breathing deeply because he doesn't want to show his pain. He got one injection in each of his knees and then another injection in his shoulder. The doctor did the same thing to Taehyung and then packed his things. He took a stethoscope and does regular check-up. Jungkook is pleased that his babies are healthy and sent the doctor away. Jungkook dressed them in matching dresses and cooed because they are so cute.

 Jungkook dressed them in matching dresses and cooed because they are so cute

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"You are the prettiest babies in the whole universe!"

He kissed their cheeks and lifted them. Jungkook is holding one baby on each arm and smiled.

"Time for breakfast!"

Jungkook carried them in the dining room where are waiting two highchairs. Taehyung and Jimin started to squirm in his arms but they are too weak. Jungkook sat them in the highchairs and fastened straps around their bony chests. Taehyung and Jimin are sitting strapped in highchairs, their hands restrained to side of their new chairs. Servants start to bring silver trays full of food and Taehyung with Jimin are hypnotized by the sight. So many food and nothing is rotten like the food which they got in army.

"You can eat but first you need to ask nicely as good babies. Only say: Daddy me hungry."

Jimin and Taehyung glared at Jungkook. They are hungry but won't call this man daddy. But the food.

Their lives weren't easy. They both grow up in orphanage where only the strongest had food. Rest of the kids was desperately looking for tiniest piece of anything what would fill a bit their stomachs. It wasn't better in army and now there is so much food, but they can't have it.

Jungkook is eating delicious creamy baked eggs with smoked salmon and drinks expensive Chinese tea. Taehyung and Jimin are hypnotizing his fork and slobber. Jungkook knows that this is cruel, but his baby boys need to learn that daddy is in charge. Taehyung and Jimin make it through breakfast without asking daddy for food but Jungkook knows how to break them.

He carried them back in their nursery and restrained them again. He pulled down their diapers and opened box with

suppository with laxatives. Taehyung and Jimin are squirming and Jungkook smiled.

"I just don't want to be the youngest in this house anymore, so you will be my babies, like it or not I simply don't care."

After saying that he pushed one

suppository in each bum and closed their diapers again. Jungkook put one more diaper on them and sat them down in their playpen. It is round place with white wooden railing and there are many toys for babies. Jungkook is watching how is Jimin trying to stand up but his knees aren't listening him. He has no idea that the injection which he got in his knees damaged his muscles and he won't be able to stand up for very long time. Jimin fell on his bum and suddenly hot mess filled his diaper. Jungkook knows that he needs to break Jimin and then Taehyung will join his brother. But he also knows that it will be hard, Jimin is little stubborn boy. Soon Taehyung farted and his diaper is overflowing with stinking mess.

"Ask daddy for diaper change."

Jungkook is watching them and Taehyung starts to wail on top of his lungs. Jimin is killing Jungkook with hard stare and then turned to Taehyung. Jimin shakes his head no and Taehyung is crying even more. He was about to ask for diaper change but now when Jimin told him no .... what he can do?

Jungkook sat down and only watches his babies. Jimin is glaring back at him while Taehyung got distracted by some toy. When Jimin spotted that he is going to play with it he pinched his arm, pretty hard. Taehyung immediately stopped and shakes in fear. He is scared not only because of the man in front of them but now even Jimin is scaring him. This is too much for Taehyung.

"Daddy ...."

Taehyung called and lifted his hands in the air. Jungkook is almost running to get Taehyung and immediately went to change his crying baby. Taehyung is exhausted and doesn't fight, actually he is enjoying the feeling of fresh diaper under him. Jungkook walked back in his bedroom where is Jimin still sitting with full diaper.

"Jiminie it is your turn."

Jimin grabbed first toy and throwed it on Jungkook. Luckily he is faster and moved away but the toy broke.

"Fine. You wanted to hurt your daddy and you broke that toy, so it will be .... 10 smacks on bum and 5 on palms?"

Jimin is prepared for the new torture and gasped when Jungkook lifted Taehyung's dresses. Taehyung is crying in pain when is Jungkook's palm delivering smack after smack. His bum is red when Jungkook pulled the diaper up again, but this isn't the end. Jungkook takes his left hand and uncurled Taehyung's fingers. He smacked Taehyung's palm five times and the baby completely lost it. Taehyung is hysterically crying and screaming that every servant close to his bedroom hears it. Jungkook kissed his cheeks and forced the pacifier gag back in between his lips. He doesn't even need to fasten the straps because Taehyung is sucking on it on his own. He is seeking every kind of comfort and Jungkook tightly swaddled him. He laid Taehyung in his crib and went back to Jimin.

"If you break my rules of game, then Taehyung will get a punishment. So now ask for the diaper change or I will bring him back."

Jimin is on edge of crying when he silently asked for clean diaper and Jungkook is only smiling. Now he is sure that his babies will better ask him for being fed.

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