So it begins

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Kaname has been having recurring dreams about a girl who resembled his late sister and normally he was think it was just his mind playing tricks on him but something felt different. He helped Cross establish the night class for the school that was made to try to get vampires and humans coexist . Kaname had a feeling this year at school would be different and maybe he would find relief in his torture thoughts. Kanames only enemy seemed to be Zero at least in this School  and on the outside world it was someone who said to be his uncle. Rido didn't know Kanames sister already perished and still seeked revenge which Kaname was tied to Rido. Kaname couldn't get himself to move freely as he wished while being blood bound to him.

The moment Kaname walked into the campus grounds towards the moon dorms something hit his senses hard. It was a faint smell  it was almost the same smell of his late sister but there was strong power radiating from this faint scent. He wasn't sure what was going to happen but he knew tomorrow things were going to get interesting. Kaname was actually thrilled to see Zero's face tomorrow because that would mean this person would not only effect them both but also change there dull school existence.

(Kaname) " Tomorrow..Will definitely bring something interesting and I hope I will finally get the answers I seek"

Kaname walked away from his bedroom window and fell into a seldom sleep before the sunrises for the morning. Zero was already patrolling the Campus and barely made it to his classes that morning. He was battling with his vampire thirst and it was one secret only a few people knew but said nothing until he asked for help. He has been fighting back his vampire nature for two years which was the day his close friend died and When Kaname lost his beloved sister. Kaname and Zero were both still unstable in their own ways but now it was easy to see they were both in need of someone caring in there lives again. Zero was asked to came to the office to help a new student settle in and relay the rules of the campus. The closer Zero got the more he could smell a very faint sweet scent it reminded him of his friend who winded up being Kanames sister. Zero hasn't gotten close to anyone since that terrible tragedy and now he feels empty.  Zero's heart skipped a beat when he saw the face of the new student and then he spoke his mind:

(Zero) " Who are you?"

(Headmaster) " Zero.. I would like you to meet our new student Yuka Black"

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