Helping Zero /School Dance

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It was the day of the dance and this was the first time Zero seen Yuka in a dress which made her look like a gothic princess. Zero usual wasn't one to look at girls or rather any girls in a romantic way but the more time he spent getting to know Yuka it started to change him. Yuka could see the confliction in Zero's eyes and walked up to him until she was toe to toe with him.

(Yuka) " I can see the uncomfortable pose you are making but it's okay"

Yuka leans forward readjusting his uniform and takes a red rose from her hair to put in his pocket then pulls his hand to the dance floor.

(Zero) " What are you doing Yuka?"

(Yuka) " Its called Dancing.. and leaning against the wall the entire time isn't recommended by me ..your partner okay?"

Zero looks at Yuka who has a serious face and it almost looks like she's sad. He groans lowly then looks back at her eyes before he speaks again

(Zero) " Fine..I don't like dancing but I'm just not into these kinds of things"

(Yuka) " I understand..I'm not either..yet here we are because it's mandatory since we conduct the rules of the campus"

(Zero) " Conduct? More like enforce the rules..where did you learn to dance?. it's so smooth even with my stiff body you make feel like we are gliding"

(Yuka) " I suppose you're right..but your not a stiff person you just chose to be more keep it to yourself kind of person. As for the dancing it's something I learned along the way and there's something you should know come this way"

Yuka held out her hand as they stopped waltzing and she lead him to an empty room. Then she opened a pocket on her dress and he got curious he could smell something slightly familiar to him. Yuka was holding a small bottle of Shizuka hio blood and Zero couldn't believe it then took it from Yuka's hand.

(Zero) " How did you get this Yuka?"

(Yuka) " Well..your advice about the night student was sort of correct but I figured out it had something to with you and Shizuka hio. So I did what I could because I wanted to help you and I know this much blood won't completely save you but it will keep you in control much more better"

(Zero) " You did this for me? I..I don't know what to say..where is she dead?"

Yuka nodded her head then she looked into Zero's eyes and then said the one thing that Zero didn't think he would hear from her.

(Yuka) " Your young brother Ichiru..he's a alive..but that's because he ran away after she dead..I know she was one who turned you . Ichiru held a deep affection for her and they planned to use me as bait so she could control but I won't put you in danger for my sake so I'm sorry I did this without you"

Zero was trying process everything then he hugged Yuka before he Opened the bottle and drank it . Yuka untied the bow around her neck and leaned Zero towards her neck which he held her close biting into her neck. Yuka ran her fingers through his hair as he drank her blood and then when he finished he licked the blood up. Yuka smiled before she put a hand on his shoulder and went to leave the room but Zero grabbed her hand . Yuka went to turn around but he pressed his front to her back then he whispered.

(Zero) " Thank you Yuka.. but next time don't be so careless"

Zero let go of her arm and she turned around giving him a light kiss then smiled again with a single tear running down her face. Zero took his sleeve wiped it away and gave a real smile  then frown remembering something.

(Zero) " Kaname is looking for you"

(Yuka) " Oh right I owe him a dance..see you in a bit partner"

Zero was left alone in the room for a few minutes until he realized the thirst he couldn't feel his body fighting him anymore or rather it wasn't so bad as it was before. He also felt a warmth coming from Yuka everytime she called him her partner but maybe he was just hoping for something or perhaps he did care for her. Yuka made it back to the dance after she fixed her bow on her neck and waiting by the balcony was Kaname. She stepped forward and he turned to face her but from his stance she could feel his jealousy.

Kaname held out his hand to gesture a dance and Yuka took it happily as they waltz in a much slower motion then she had with Zero. Kaname could Smell some of Zero's scent on Yuka and Yuka could feel Kaname's hold on her waist tighten. Kaname took a deep breath trying to calm himself down and Yuka finally spoke up.

(Yuka) " don't need to be angry or Jealous..Zero's my partner and when I want to help someone it's my choice "

(Kaname) " I'm not angry..I admit I'm a little jealous because he's closer to you then I am but do you understand you're only putting yourself in danger"

(Yuka) " Danger?..Who me ..I like danger or rather danger is attracted to me and everywhere I go it follows me"

(Kaname) " I'm trying to be serious here..I'm just warning you and what do you mean by that?"

(Yuka) " I understand..I will try to be careful..and it's an inside joke of mine"

(Kaname) " Oh..I see..your very graceful..Yuka"

(Yuka) " Why thank you my Lord"

Yuka curtsy as she stopped the dancing the moment the music stopped then looks at Kaname and steps closer to him. Kaname was tall but she just smiled and bowed before she winked at him jumping over the balcony. Kaname was confused until Zero jumped right after she did then he heard part of the conversation they had as then we're running hundred  feet away.

(Yuka) " You heard that didn't you"

(Zero) " Yes..but I figured you wouldn't jump from the balcony without  a reason especially when Kaname is near by"

(Yuka) " True but my intuition is never wrong it's similar to your hunters ability and besides we do this together or not at all"

(Zero) " I can understand now..thank you"

Yuka ripped her dress to the shorts she had underneath and opened her left pocket by her left to get out a pair of black gloves. Zero was watching the entire time and then he spoke his mind:

(Zero) " How many pockets you got?"

(Yuka) " I'm always prepared for anything besides that dress was too would have fell apart eventually"

Zero and Yuka continued to run until the reach the part of campus near the woods then looked at each other as Zero got out his bloody rose. Yuka went in a fighting stance as she stood side by Side with Zero waiting for the low level vampires to show up. Yuka looked at the fence and they both saw ten vampires jumping the gate . Yuka looked at Zero then spoke:

(Yuka) " Lets make a bet..let's see who can beat up the most vampires"

(Zero) " It's really not the time for that"

(Yuka) " Oh come on it will be fun..besides if you win I will give you anything you want and if I win you will have to cook me dinner"

Zero looked at the vampires closing in and then nodded his head before turning back to Yuka who already punched one of them out cold. Zero didn't know Yuka was that strong but he didn't want to lose to her so he says:

(Zero) " got a bet"

(Yuka)" Yes..let's kick ass"

They both started fighting throwing punches and shooting all the vampires that came in there sight of vision.  Who won the bet and why was it feeling more like a double team smack down rather then a competition?

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