Reapers redemption

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Zero just finishing taking what was left of his brother's life and his mind crack even more when he couldn't find Yuka. He was all but  cured his level E status as a vampire but something inside him felt a moment a dread when he couldn't find her scent anywhere near by. Kaname felt something painful in his heart that immediately think of Yuka and sent his friends out to find her. Something in him always wanted to protect her but something else in the back of his mind made him question his own feelings . Did he love her more then he loved Yuki or perhaps he was just using her for a substitute and if that were the case why did his heart hurt so much.

Zero's mind flickered his sanity from his vampire instincts making him run all over campus to find her but his Hunter side sensed a very old vampire on campus. He sat down on the stone steps near the middle of the campus trying to calm and clear his thoughts to focus on the intense presence he was feeling. Kaname shut off his emotions temporary to go after the council members trying them to ash with a mere look in there direction. When his task was done he looked at the sunset sky and whispered to the wind:

(Kaname) " Yuka..what is this feeling ..don't get hurt please"

Yuka was on the other side of the Vail walking around campus then made her way to the dungeon where she spotted Zero's little brother. She stepped across back to the human world then put her hand on Ichiru's face before she cut her wrist pressing the wound to his lips while chanting in Greek and then she gave Ichiru the kiss of life. Yuka never been one to use such a power for a human or any creature for that matter but Zero deserved better then her and for her sense of mind family was the least she could do for him.

Ichiru's body went from pale to a light tan and his eyes opened looking confused when he saw Yuka's eyes he wasn't sure what to think . She took him and hide him on other side of the Vail for the time being then because she wanted to surprise Zero. She released her reaper powers for the moment so her scent would linger in the air but she stopped short smelling her target on the rooftop near by. She was followed by the night students who happened to see her run back then at an impressive speed for a human.

They all made it to the rooftop to see Rido sitting on a pile of bodies with a thick scent of death in the air but it didn't faze Yuka at all. Yuka walked forward with no fear in her eyes as Rido eyes her like his next meal and as they inched closer to each other his minions trapped the night students. Yuka stopped for a moment feeling a memory of Yuki's leak into her mind as she watched Rido use his dark smoke wrapped around her. The memory was of Zero, Yuki, and Kaname standing a rooftop similar to this one as Yuki cried trying to get them to stop fighting over her.

When Yuka focused her eyes again she looked to be surrounded by Rido's shadows and she just stifled a laugh which sounded like a grunt. Rido walk towards her sniffing her neck then he spoke:

(Rido) " You smell so lovely my dear"

Yuka just looked him in the face before she replied

(Yuka) " Drop dead.."

(Rido) " Well someone doesn't have any manners"

Yuka watched his minions inch closer to biting the night students neck and Rido wrapped a hand around her neck caressing her. She felt gross being touched by him and it wasn't because he was vampire it was more his attitude reminded her of the man her raped her thousands of years ago. She waited for the perfect opportunity to begin laughing in a tune with our humor and released her reaper power which was the exact moment Zero made it to the rooftop.

Yuka transformed her Artemis into a scythe before she used the power of her left hand to turn all his minions to ash blowing in the wind. She bent down on one knee by Rido after she prevented his escaped and looked into his eyes with hers glowing dark red.

(Yuka) " Rido..such a childish vampire you have been..making such a big mess for someone like me to clean up ..tch..I'm afraid you won't be leaving alive tonight"

(Rido) " Who are you?  You're not my niece"

(Yuka) " Mhmm..I'm not her in fact your nephew never told you of her passing not that you would listen either name is Yuka black and I'm the reaper who has come to end your eternity."

(Rido) " that's impossible"

(Yuka) " Sorry .. you have caused  a lot of trouble for the balance of nature and now it's time to paid with your soul but think of it this way at least you had some fun before you disappeared forever"

Rido was about to say something else but Yuka raised her Scythe and cut Rido's soul out of his body then turned his body to ash. The floor below her opened up with was filled with flames and she sent Rido straight to hell. When she finished her task the look of terror and confusion was written on the night students faces including Zero with Kaname who came the last moment to see Yuka true power.

Yuka couldn't smile or explain it in simple terms so she did something Reapers don't normally do and opened a wall like an invisible curtain which brought forth some familiar faces. It was Yuki, Juri, Haruka, and Zero's parents which everyone had to run there eyes to see if it was real.

(Yuka) " Kaname..and Zero these are the people who care for you the most but never gotten to say a proper now's the time to give yourselves some closure"

Yuka walked to the far end as Zero greeted his parents with tears in his eyes and Kaname was sandwiched between Yuki with their parents. They seemed happy and Yuka knew they were probably afraid of her now but maybe just maybe they would understand why she wanted to show her good side to them.

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