Surprise / Eh?..Dance

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Yuka's p.o.v

Being in the human world is so much chaos at least in the terms of not understanding what people do or rather how crazy fangirls are. If I wasn't a reaper I'm pretty sure I would be dead tired from helping patrol all night with Zero. I asked Zero to wake me up in the morning because I wanted to do something crazy to him when he got inside my dorm room. I woke up not few minutes after I heard or rather hearing Zero's yawns at the end of the hallways near my dorm room and I'm actually surprised I got a private dorm to myself. Zero knocks on the door then turns on the handle opening the door then suddenly the door slams shut behind him. He looks around and doesn't see Yuka hiding behind a curtain near the door .

Zero stands in the middle of the room then starts heading closer the disheveled bed before he is knocked back by a force making him land on the bed. Zero gives a seldom manly scream as Yuka laughs with her waist locked on top of Zero's and she had no pants on which made Zero flush a bit feeling her body through his pants.

(Zero) " Um... Yuka..question?"

(Yuka) " Yes..what is it?"

(Zero) " Why aren't you wearing pants and why did you jump on me so suddenly?"

Yuka laughs before she leans closer to Zero until they are nose to nose and then looks into his lavender eyes with a smile.

(Yuka) " I prefer to see different reactions from you because your brooding personality is no fun and I love it when you laugh even if it is at me. As for no wearing pants well I'm not a normal girl I prefer not to be pantless at night..does that bother you "

(Zero) " Well..I do admit you definitely are fun to laugh at and I can't change exactly who I am but I do love you for trying..I didn't mean that I love you..I this is awkward..."

(Yuka) " It's okay..I understand..I love you partner ..."

Yuka leans forward and gives Zero a light kiss on the lips making him stare in shock. She starts laughing again this time she looks at Zero before she says:

(Yuka) " I'm just kidding I don't love..but I do like you because for me to love someone that would mean they would have to understand who I am and except me. However for me Love is always out of  reach and in my family it's considered bad luck"

(Zero) " Yuka..I'm sorry I didn't know"

(Yuka) " It's fine..I'm your partner..and I want to see you happy but for now let's get through high school first okay"

(Zero) " Okay..but be careful around that new night student "

(Yuka) " Oh..Maria the night student..she's definitely different but I will be careful"

Yuka already knew Maria was bad news and she didn't completely trust Zero's master Touge. However being a reaper she could only think of trying her best to see this mission through to the end. There was a time she would have just told the truth right away however now wasn't the time because she wanted not only to help Zero but do her best to give closure to Kaname. She may be nice by nature but this mission was starting to toy with her emotions and she didn't know how to react when she close to either guy with revealing her truth self. As a reaper she could only interfere so much with out changing what was meant to happen and it hurt seeing what pain that was meant to come.

Yuka finished putting her uniform on and kicked Zero out of her room before she went to classes. She just got a free period of class when she happened upon Takuma and Kaname walking in the day campus towards her. She just stood there with a confused look until they got towards her area by the little pond.

(Takuma) " Hello Yuka"

(Yuka) " Hello..breaking the rules already shouldn't you be in your dorms right now"

(Kaname) " Yuka..your one to talk about breaking the rules..but I came here to ask you something"

(Yuka) " Oh well I'm part of the disciplinary committee so i won't get in trouble for breaking these rules since it regards your safety. What is it you want to ask?"

(Kaname) " Fair enough..Would you like to go to the dance with me?"

(Yuka) " Oh..the school..I'm suppose to patrol it.. so you want to dance with me really?.. is this some kind of prank? It's not that I don't think you're serious it's just surprising"

(Kaname) " Yes..Will you save a dance for me?"

Yuka thinks about it for a moment before she smiles then holds out her hand to Kaname to take in a friendly gesture.

(Yuka) " Mhmm I would be crazy to reject especially since you could get in trouble for being on this side of campus"

(Kaname) " Good..I'm glad..see you Yuka"

(Takuma) " See you around Miss Black"

Yuka went back to dorm room collapsing on her bed thinking about her high school life and her reaper life. She was given certain amount of leeway but having to be human was another story and now she realized after thousands of years perhaps she could possibly could find the emotions she lost long ago. She was starting to feel happy or maybe she hoped for happiness she never had.

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