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Yuka waited then opened the curtain again letting the hunters and vampires walk back through the Vail back to purgatory where she put them. She turned to Zero and he flinched a bit which was understandable but what did next made him smile.

Yuka opened the place she was hiding her gift to Zero and Ichiru stepped forth hugging his brother. Yuka then spoke:

(Yuka) " have had to deal with a lot and I couldn't just let you be alone again so I did the only thing I believe I could. Ichiru is my gift to you and he was live as long as you do but he will also be the one to provide blood to you . "

(Zero) " Why would you do this for me?"

(Yuka) " As I said before your my partner..and the time we have spent together awakened emotions that laid dormant in my heart. I only known being on my own and to have someone who understand that felt like a blessing to me"

(Zero) " Well...thank you Yuka"

Yuka leaned forward and Kissed Zero which they both glowed but when Zero looked at her questioning what just happened she smiled explaining:

(Yuka) " I seal a contract so your brother will not age as you do and because I used the  essence of my soul I will be life I will always be with you. However the contract also entitles myself to be the one to walk to meet you family when the time comes"

(Zero) " Thank you so much"

(Yuka) " I didn't do anything of this be thanked I just wanted to understand my feelings"

Zero hugged Yuka as she walked up to Kaname who felt like a weight been lifted from his chest. Yuka leaned over Kaname who was sitting near by then looked in the eyes and said:

(Yuka) " Kaname..I'm not sure what you want me to say but I will tell you that being here wasn't easy for me. I could've easily just appeared and disappeared when my mission was over but I felt like something was pulling me here . You probably are afraid of me now but I wouldn't hurt you because remind me so much of my sister . She was one to hide her emotions a majority of the time but when I last saw her it was first time I realized what love was. I was human once but I become a reaper after I sacrificed my life for hers and that may have been selfish of me to do so. "

(Kaname) " I'm not afraid of you.. I just knew you weren't telling me something it's almost the same as you knew I wasn't telling you because of my selfishness. I was worried that your heart was already claimed and I couldn't understand my feelings for you were so strong. I knew however that you had a good heart and now that I know what you are I'm happy because I realize I don't need to worry"

(Yuka) " What are you saying Kaname?"

(Kaname) " Yuka..I think I'm in love with you"

Yuka had a shocked face on her as she looked at Kaname's face in confusion before she spoke again:

(Yuka) " love me? you understand what you're saying..I mean I'm a reaper a representation of death will one of hundred but still why"

Kaname cupped Yuka's face before he kissed her lips and she smiled then he spoke:

(Kaname) " At first I couldn't figure it out myself because I thought I was using you to fill the void left by two other people who were important to me but I realize how different you are. I enjoy you clever sarcastic ways and how smart you are  but most of all with every beat of your heart a warmth radiates from you. That warmth is something I never knew I needed and here you are before me a beautiful smart reaper who's only flaw was making me see what I was missing"

(Yuka) " I wouldn't necessarily call that a flaw but I'm glad I'm important to you . Kaname..are you saying you want to be by my side?"

(Kaname) " Yes..I would end my eternity now just to see you"

(Yuka) " Whoa..okay slow down..I'm not that kind of reaper..I admit I did have some leeway in keeping the Hunter and Kuran members together in purgatory but that not how that works Geez..don't do something so drastic"

Kaname sat up kneeling on one knee then took Yuka's hand in his then spoke:

(Kaname) " Yuka black..Will do me the honor of becoming my bride ?"

Yuka the reaper (vampire knight)Where stories live. Discover now