Yuka's answer

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Yuka was stunned beyond belief seeing Kaname kneeled before her and the fact he was a very important vampire may it seem even more embarrassing so she spoke her mind.

(Yuka) " Kaname..I don't think that's good idea"

(Kaname) " What do you mean?"

(Yuka) " For thousands of years I have walked between the human world and the spirit realm that I have seen all kinds of love. When I become a reaper I felt nothing for the longest time because once I knew my family was safe I shut off all my emotions then I came here to do this job and it seems something inside me awakened."

(Kaname) " Do you understand what that means?"

(Yuka) " Yes..I love you Kaname Kuran but would really want to be tied to death just to be with me"

(Kaname) " What do you mean?"

(Yuka) " For Reapers..we weren't suppose to fall in love but there a few rare occasions that we can except a partner . However that's only one condition"

(Kaname) " What's the condition?"

(Yuka) " It's called soul bound almost similar to what I did to bring Zero's human brother back but you would only die when I do. So in other words that eternity you vampire talk about more accurate when bound to a reaper of death."

Kaname thought it over for a moment but he still smiled looking into Yuka in the eyes before he spoke again.

(Kaname) " I'm not changing my mind Yuka..Will be my wife for now and all eternity"

Yuka started to have a few years run down her face then she smiled and said :

(Yuka) " Yes..Kaname Kuran..I will be happy to be your wife"

Kaname picked up Yuka and Kissed her deeply with passion almost forgetting that his friends were near by. Yuka just laughed awkwardly before she walked up to Zero to whisper something in his ear which made his face flush a bit and Kaname grabbed Yuka's hand heading down of the rooftop.

Ichiru was puzzled because he didn't hear what Yuka whispered to his brother but Zero just hugged him again. Ichiru was happy to be by his brother's side and Zero was happy to have met such a wonderful person brighten his life so much.

Few months later

Kaname and Yuka had a beautiful ceremony wearing traditional white both running out of the chapel they were in. They had a party and such but they wanted some alone time to talk again.

(Kaname) " Yuka..you changed my way of thinking..I was in a dark place and I wasn't sure if someone would understand the pain I had went through but when you told me what happened to you. I just knew that we were meant to be together it wasn't fate or destiny it was because we needed someone who understands how we truly are"

(Yuka) " truth be told Kaname..your mind was merely shrouded in darkness and for me I knew what I was like have to hide a part of yourself . I'm a reaper of death even though I can read souls it's the heart of people I never understood until came to the academy and you showed me the love I once forgotten."

Kaname picked up his bride then kissed her against the wall as they made out deeply almost wanting to rip each other's clothes off but they had to stop. They had  after party which was  going to start however Kaname was curious about something Yuka did months  before . Kaname halted there walking on the staircase and turned to ask Yuka a question:

(Kaname) " Yuka What did you tell Zero before we went down the rooftop that night?"

(Yuka) " Oh..that hahaha..well this might make you made but I told him of he wants to have a kid in the future I would be happy to be the mother"

(Kaname) " What..oh..I see why would say that to him?"

(Yuka) " Because without him I wouldn't have noticed my feelings for you and to be honest if I didn't meet you I probably would have been with Zero."

(Kaname) " Are you saying I stole you from Zero?"

(Yuka) " No..it's nothing like that..it's just I know your soul through and through but what saw in you made me feel like the person I use to be when I was human"

(Kaname) " Is that so?"

(Yuka) " Yes..it's too late be jealous ..okay I'm here in front of you and I chose you..what more proof do you need?"

(Kaname) " You're right I'm sorry"

Kaname and Yuka walked back into the main room where everything was decorated with many colors of the rainbow but mostly red. Kaname eventually decided not to be angry about the whole baby mother thing with Zero and enjoyed the company of his friends . Yuka was actually serious about helping Zero if he wanted to have children but figured he might forget because he already had his brother so it was all up to fate now.

(Hello readers, next chapter is about the future a long with the lemon between Yuka and Kaname. It might take me time to write it thought because I am have financial issues myself  but I do have a Patreon under Sharnaythefreak. I'm really sorry but writing is what I love to do however I can barely afford any food and it sucks I was really hoping to finish this story)

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