undeniable bond

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Kaname still daydreams of his younger sister and sometimes he could help but compare Yuka to Yuki so it was hard to understand how they were similar not just in looks. Yuka was walking around campus on her free time before lunch when she saw Kaname but on impulse she ran up to him hugging him. He was surprised and hugged her back awkwardly because despite there height different it felt warm. Yuka smiled at Kaname before she spoke:

(Yuka) " Hi Kaname..sorry for hugging you out of nowhere"

(Kaname) " No need to apologize..I'm just surprised you hugged me of your own accord"

(Yuka) " Well..truth be told it felt like something I needed to do..that probably sounded weird but sometimes all you need is someone to reassure you . Whether that be a simple hug or perhaps just someone to talk to but who knows life is very mysterious indeed"

(Kaname) " Its not weird at all in fact it's refreshing to say the least anyway I have to back to the moon dorms"

(Yuka) " Of course Mister Dorm president..you need not worry ..I will protect you from fan girls and anything else that crosses my path"

Yuka winks playful at Kaname before she runs to catch up with Zero who is frowning at Kaname. Kaname just gives a small resounding laugh then walks back through the gates to the moon dorms and his greeted like usual from the other night students. Kaname reaches his room and he opens the window a crack before he breathes the cool night air.

(Kaname) " Yuka..is such a strange girl but I have to admit I haven't felt this way in awhile . Yuka Black there's something different about you not just the way you talk but I feel your hiding something. Just who are you really and why must the way you look torture my heart"

Zero and Yuka were walking side by side in silence before they did there usual rounds . Zero finally broke the silence feeling uncomfortable not knowing what Kaname and Yuka talking about hours before.

(Zero) " Yuka what were you and Kaname talking about earlier over by the gates"

(Yuka) " Hmm mhm..oh that all I said is he shouldn't worry because we were protecting the grounds but before that I hugged him."

(Zero ) " I see..you should be careful around him I'm not saying this to be polite but I don't trust him"

Yuka hugs Zero and he gasps not sure how to react but she giggles before releasing her hold on him. Yuka puts a hand on his chest and makes him look straight in her eyes.

(Yuka) " Zero..you need no worry for me..I can handle myself besides I'm glad you care for me but I think you need my help right now more then I need yours..am I right?"

(Zero) " You can't tell me not to worry about you ..it's my nature and I know I'm a hypocritical vampire"

(Yuka) " Shhh.. it's okay Zero you just need to learn control and I will help you besides tomorrow is going be a big day"

(Zero) " Saint Chocolaty day..are you making any chocolate for someone?"

(Yuka) " Well I have only been to this School for a less then a week besides I don't mind making chocolate but I don't necessarily like sweet stuff very much."

(Zero) " Really..me too I hate sweet stuff but that's probably a guy thing"

(Yuka) " Not really...want me to make you something for tomorrow Eh Zero?"

(Zero) " Uh..no you don't have to"

(Yuka) " If you say so..but our shift is over... time to get a power nap before classes start"

(Zero) " Yeah..this job doesn't allow us much sleep but for some reason you're always awake and energized. How do you do that?"

(Yuka) " Now..now..Zero some secrets aren't meant to be shared even among friends..so if you want to really know then try not being stuck in your own head.  I just want you to open up more it's frustrating seeing you in pain you try to hide and feeling guilty not being able to do much to help you hurts me"

(Zero) " Thats not true ..I just it's hard for me to express myself and you do help me  a lot .I know you probably think I don't want to share with you but the truth is things take time and memories can't fade"

Yuka leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek then smiled again before she spoke.

(Yuka) " Thank you...for telling me I feel better..you don't need to tell me everything but someday..in the future perhaps the pain won't hurt as much and you will be given the piece of mind you deserve"

Yuka ran off to her dorm Zero was dumbfounded because he knew Yuka was smart but what she said was honest and it made a lot of sense. Yuka jumped on her bed not caring to go under the blanket and Zero went to the barn where he usual takes his naps with his horse White Lily.

Yuka the reaper (vampire knight)Where stories live. Discover now