Chocolate is love

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Yuka's p.o.v

I have only been in the human world for a few days and other have noticed some strange things happening around me. Hunters , humans and Vampires are so complicated when it comes to not saying their feelings in the open. I have a feeling that there's some kind of competition between  Zero and Kaname over me or rather I remind them of someone in there past. It's rather disappointing because I don't want to be a substitute but I only came here to do one job which I have to wait for my target to come to me.

Yuka went into the headmaster's kitchen that she asked to use to make some chocolate and cookies for the last afternoon. Yuka wasn't one for liking sweets too much but that didn't mean she wasn't good at making something as sweet as homemade chocolate. She made some chocolate for Zero and Kaname but decided to wait to give it to them considering she didn't want them to compare her feelings for them. She boxed up the cookies of mixed variety it was going to be a reward for the fan girls and her fellow students if they cooperated the next day. She fell asleep in the kitchen on a chair leaning on the middle island table with flour in her hair but the kitchen was spotless despite the mess she created hours earlier. Zero was just waking up from being in his old room and stopped by the kitchen seeing Yuka asleep.

Zero laughed to himself as he brushed some of the flour off her hair then picks her up playing her on Yuki's old bed. Zero went to leave but got pulled down and Yuka unconsciously cuddled him like a teddy bear. Zero groaned but after a bit got use to it falling asleep next to her and they were awoken to Kaien Cross knocking on the door loudly. Yuka jumped and fell on her butt on the opposite side of the bed while Zero just laughed  while she just shrugged it off fixing her uniform. They both went to be the gates set up for the chocolate giving event and Yuka stood up on the wall waiting with a basket of her cookies next to her . Zero hesitantly helped move the girls from the moon dorm wall as Yuka somersaulted off the wall with her basket in a front flip in a perfect landing.

The girls were so amazed clapping and Zero just groaned then spoke:

(Zero) " Tch..Show off"

(Yuka) " Maybe I am but at least I'm not as moody as you "

(Zero) " We don't have time for this ..let's get this over with"

(Yuka) " Yeah..yeah..if it wasn't for me you would have cancelled the event"

Zero and Yuka lined up the girls at the gates before letting the night students through helping them to each gate. Yuka was laughing at their reactions as they each respond differently to getting chocolate from the day student girls. Yuka smiled then make Zero high five her after it was over and Kaname did stop to talk to her which she just whispered.

(Yuka) " Don't worry Kaname..I will give you yours later.."

Kaname just smiled making then night students get to class as Zero and her finished taking down the gates but it started to rain. Zero looked at Yuka who was doing the most unexpected then and running around in it taking off her uniform jacket leaving her white under shirt on. Zero just shrugged and decided join her as they chased each other around in the heavy rain. Yuka grabbed her basket and opened it pulling out a small box of Carmel chocolate she made for Zero. Zero thought her basket was empty after all the day girls ate all the cookies she made so it surprised him to see the small box. She made him sit under a tree and sat in  his lap making open his mouth then feed in the four tiny chocolates. Surprising he smiled a little and she give him a small deep kiss on the lips before walking away with the basket.

A few hours later after she showered and got clean undershirt on then she snuck into the moondorm then went into Kaname's window. Kaname could smell her before she got up to his window and he pulled her inside which made her almost yelp in surprise. She pulled out the box from her jacket and gave it to Kaname which he put on his desk . She smiled and he leaned forward then trapped her against the wall with his arm above her. Kaname was a bit taller then her but she wasn't afraid nor was she intimidated by him in fact she found it funny seeing him with just a serious face. Kaname leaned forward then kissed her on the lips embracing her with hand in her cheek and she placed a hand his chest. Yuka thought about pushing him away but something else told her to enjoy this moment so she did. She slowly kissed him back very softly.

They finished kissing after twenty minutes and she jumped out the window before sneaking back to her dorm room. Kaname and Zero were both touching their lips feeling a warmth that was similar but also new against their skin. Yuka was similar to Yuki but she wasn't her that much was apparent however how she made them feel was almost the same except it was stronger. Was it because of the smell of her blood? Or perhaps because she wasn't afraid nor did she really care too much what people thought of her kindness. Only time would tell or maybe she was just another chance at happiness?

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