Two questions and a promise

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Yuka and Zero stood in a field next a pile of Ten knocked out Vampires who were almost beaten to death. Zero was strong naturally because he comes from a Hunter family and because he's a vampire but it was when he saw Yuka Fight that made him feel very aware how brave she was as a person. Yuka and Zero tied five and five so the bet was off however Yuka looked at Zero's face thinking of a way for them both to get something.

(Yuka) " I know the Bets off but let's try this instead You can ask me two questions and I will answer them honestly. However you have to eat lunch with me tomorrow does that sound like a deal"

Zero pretend to think about it even though he already knew the answer to question. Yuka waited staring up at the stars above them and then she turned to Zero who just laughed .

(Yuka) " Why are you laughing? Do I amuse you?"

Zero stopped laughing then looked at Yuka's face before he spoke:

(Zero) " I'm not laughing at you per se it's just that if you didn't look a woman I'm pretty sure I would think you're a man with how smart and strong  you. Yes you do amuse me always making laugh ..sometimes for no reason at all.

(Yuka) "Mhmm.. Okay I don't really believe you but do we have a deal?"

(Zero) " Yes.."

(Yuka) " What would you like to know?"

(Zero) " Let's see..oh where are you from?..I was helping the headmaster the other day I saw your admission papers and realized that you didn't list specific place"

(Yuka) " Oh I'm originally from Greece but as you can tell I don't have my accent no more"

(Zero) " I see...okay my second question isn't something I would normally ask someone but have you ever been a relationship before?"

(Yuka) " No..I actually haven't I'm not very good at 'dating' as they say besides I don't really have those type of desires."

(Zero) " What do you mean by that?"

(Yuka) " You already asked two questions but I'll be nice and answer anyway. I just don't understand how someone could fall in love with someone and for me I just don't know how to put my feelings into words without there being an misunderstanding"

(Zero) " I understand..what you mean..I'm not very good with my  feelings and when it comes to relationships I have only have one . It didn't go so well and now I'm not so sure if should have spoken up sooner or done something"

(Yuka) " Complicated feelings ..can definitely be hard to untangle when you want to be sure or when it's hard to understand yourself"

(Zero) " Exactly..sometimes I forget how smart you's like you know a lot without even having to think about it"

(Yuka) " Well..I do know a lot of things but I don't know everything because if I did I pretty sure my head would have exploded"

(Zero) " we wouldn't want that now would we"

Zero and Yuka looked at each other before they walked back to the campus parting ways for the night. Yuka took a nap wearing pink bra with matching shorts and fell asleep that night. Zero was sleeping in his room when he felt prickly pains separately through out his body and it was as if on instinct he woke up barely four hours after he sleep . He walked mostly dressed to Yuka's dorm room and when he put ear to the door. He heard her bed moving like she was tossing and turning then he heard her screaming.

Zero ran to the headmaster's office and took the master key to unlock her dorm room . He opened  the door expected a rogue vampire of something but what he saw surprised him. She was laying down covered in sweat on her forehead and she had no shirt or pants on only bra with shorts both pink. He wasn't sure what to do so he slowly sat on the edge of the bed then held her hand in his which seemed to calm her down a bit.

Four hours later
Kaname was wide awake feeling a pain in his chest then even he knew something was wrong but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. He clutched his left hand then got dressed and went to where his instinct was leading . He ended up at Yuka's dorm and he knocked on the door but there was no answer. Kaname turned the door knob and opened the door to unexpected sight . It was Zero holding a half naked Yuka and Kaname wasn't sure what to think but his chest hurt more seeing them together in their underwear cuddling while asleep.

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