Kaname's jealousy

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Kaname p.o.v

Something feels wrong and when I saw Zero with Yuka I wanted to kill him which almost broke what was left of the sanity.  Zero I don't know if I can trust this time because I feel like you might try to steal Yuka from me and I should be jealous or angry but I'm losing control. The taste of her blood, her appearance and her charming happy personality just why does it hurt my heart so much. Why must it feel like I'm betraying Yuki..no that's not it Yuka my feelings for her are stronger...please tell me how you feel Yuka..I want to know so badly.

Kaname untied his uniform and unbuttoned his uniform trying to get the heat of his anger to calm down without his friends noticing. His eyes flickered red as he pressed his face against the window until the sunset which he didn't notice he looked up. He heard a knock on the door which Kaname fixed his uniform finally getting his composure back.

(Kaname) " Come in"

(Takuma) "Lord Kaname it's time to head to the gate "

(Kaname) " Oh..I see while let's be off then"

Takuma turned back to face Kaname after he stopped in front of the door.

(Takuma) " Kaname is something the matter?"

(Kaname) " I'm fine..or rather I am now"

(Takuma) " Okay..let's go"

Kaname started to gather the night students before they walked together towards the gates. Yuka was standing on the other side with her hair in a long ponytail and Zero was yelling at the fangirls to back up. Yuka turned to the gate the moment Kaname stepped through which made Kaname mildly happy but he was still uneasy that day. Yuka seemed to sense something was wrong about Kaname so she ran up to him then asked:

(Yuka) " Kaname Are you okay?"

(Kaname) " Oh..are you concerned about me?..if that's the case I'm fine"

(Yuka) " Why wouldn't I be concerned about you...oh I just felt like something may be weighing on your mind..if you don't want to tell me that's okay but just know I will always be here to listen "

Kaname looked at Yuka's face then smiled before speaking again shaking his head a bit.

(Kaname) " Honestly..I'm fine..probably lack of sleep"

(Yuka) " Okay..if you say so"

Yuka walked back to help Zero who was crowded by Fan girls who turned their affections of anger on him. When Kaname watched how they interacted in public it made him realize they acted more like Siblings then lovers. He sighed then walked into the building for his class with his friends and felt a bit of weight lift off his shoulders as least emotionally.

Yuka finally got the fan girls to go back to their dorm rooms and Zero hugged Yuka on instinct which she just smiled then she realized why Zero was really embracing her. She grabbed his hand leading him to the barn that housed his horse White Lily and he got a little confused until his eyes flickered Red then he pushed her down on the hay. Zero bit into her neck and she just ran her fingers through his hair in a soothing manner as he fed from her blood. When Zero had his fill of her blood her wiped his mouth then spoke:

(Zero) " How..did you know I needed blood?"

(Yuka) " Its been some time since you last fed and from what I saw so far it's my blood that seems to keep the hunger at bay at least for awhile ."

(Zero) " Well..thank you"

(Yuka) " You don't need to thank me..as I told you before we are partners..besides I would feel sad if you were gone"

(Zero) " What do you mean...oh you mean if I went full vampire frenzy"

Yuka nodded her head before she unbuttoned her uniform then left walked out in the campus area towards but stopped then she closed her eyes making sure she was alone. She opened her eyes then spoke:

(Yuka) " Finally my target is on his way here..I wonder if he realizes I'm not who he really is after..it doesn't matter because of what I am I can't comprehend normal things . Rido I hope you got everything ready for your next of kin because I'm going to be the last face you see before I send you to hell"

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