Bite to remember

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After  saint chocolate day passed things at the academy went relatively back to the normal routine of Zero and Yuka keeping the Day students away from the night students. However Kaname walked up to Zero and said something to him making him glare angrily at him then frown as he faced Yuka. Yuka just smiled knowing exactly what he said to Zero and then they patrolled the campus. The next day before there shift Yuka went in front way though the moon dorm and greeted the gatekeeper with a smile. She knew that people were scared of him but she could tell that not everything scary is actually scary and everything that is nice is always nice.

Vampires being a example as beautiful as they appear they are quite deeply when it comes to their thirst. She finally made it to the main building and she was approached by Aido who was ushering out some people out the door. She just smiled and spoke:

(Yuka) " Hello..good morning Aido..I came to speak with Kaname"

(Aido) " Good morning I'm glad you came..those people are annoying"

(Yuka) " You like to do things on your own terms am I correct ?"

(Aido) " Yes..see someone gets it..I'm tired now"

(Yuka) " don't have to wait with me for Kaname..I just came to have a quite chat with him"

(Aido) " Oh what do you want to talk to him about?"

(Yuka) "'s not really your business"

Aido stepped forward ready to answer with his anger when Kaname appeared at the top of the staircase. Aido was hovering over Yuka who was as calm as cucumber and she just smirked when she felt him shiver in fear sensing Kaname. She slipped from his embrace trapping her at the wall and walked towards Kaname and greeted him.

(Yuka) " Good morning ...Kaname..there's something I wish to discuss with you private"

(Kaname) " Good Morning.. Yuka.. hmm if that's the case come with me"

Kaname held out his hand for her to take which she just laughed then took her hand in his as he lead her to his office . Aido was so confused and amused by the Student Yuka Black. Yuka looks around his office remembering coming through the window days before and then she turned to face him who was staring intently at her as if he was trying figure something out.  Kaname walked up to Yuka and placed on her cheek caressing her soft skin down to her neck. She leaned into his caress then he gently turned her neck sideways a bit and licked her neck.

Yuka wanted to laugh because she always thought it was weird how vampire liked to lick the person the wanted to bites neck before then bitten into it. Yuka waited then she felt the tips of Kaname fangs slowly and deeply into her neck. She groaned in her throat deeply because she was extreme masochist she spoke:

(Yuka) " If you're going to eat me Kaname..try biting harder"

Kaname did as she said and she gripped his shirt as her lifted her up wrap an arm around her neck as he laid her down on his bed. She was sure what was happening but then he bit her on her shoulder then her chest making her gasped biting her own power lip. Kaname licked his bite marks feeling almost nostalgic tasting such sweet blood and then he leaned forward kissing her bloody lips. They kissed harder as Kaname licked her lips partly healing her busted lip and they had there arms around each other. When Yuka got the sense back into the impending situation she sighed before she turned to Kaname.

(Yuka) " Kaname..I didn't come here for this..I came here because I want you to know what happens between me and Zero So don't interfere"

Kaname breathed a deep sigh then spoke again:

(Kaname) " I can't do that..he's a vampire..He could hurt you"

(Yuka) " I know that he is but he's not a're a hypocrite..what exactly is this?..Everytime you touch me it feels warm and I can't understand why you would want to touch a stranger"

(Kaname) " I don't..even know myself..I'm sorry "

Yuka gets up fixing her uniform then turns around giving him a hug before walking out the door. Kaname was surprised because he never showed his vampire side to anyone and she wasn't afraid of him. Yuka spent the rest of the day as usual with the occasional touching her lips but Kaname was also doing the same later that night.

(Yuka & Kaname) " I wonder why?"

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