Yuka's nightmare

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In Yuka's dream

Yuka was with her younger sister Sophie in the local town about an hour from their estate . They were riding side by side on their horses before the reach their location which was a local store. They tied their horses up on the trees near by as they went to talk to the clerk. While they were in the store some men were unexpectedly following the young ladies of the black estate  and it wasn't until they went outside they couldn't find their horses.

They searched for an hour when suddenly six guys wearing very shredded and unruly clothing cornered the young ladies. Yuka kept her sister behind her as she began to try to fight the guys and when she throw two hard punches the guys went after her sister. They knocked Sophie out cold and while she was distracted being concerned for her younger sister they hit her on the bad of the head.

Yuka and Sophie woke up in an unfamiliar building that smelled like dust. Sophie was scared and Yuka did whatever she could to comfort her sister but not even two hours after they arrived they tried to take Sophie away . Yuka with her tied hands bashed the guys on the head and made them let her sister go.

She heard them talking about wanting to rape her younger sister and Yuka couldn't let that happen . Yuka was losing energy fast and couldn't keep fighting which the guys took the opportunity to try to take Sophie again. Yuka got on her knees then begged them not to hurt her sister and she instead told them to take her . They looked her over then untied her hands then leaned close to her ear and said.

(Unknown make) " If you corporate..we won't touch your sister again"

Yuka looked at her sister and gave a small smile to her sister then looked back at the man then nodded. She was picked up bridal style and was raped by  the leader of the six men. When Yuka got back in the room with her sister she had dried tears on her face and her body hurt with blood stains on her dress. Sophie was scared but Yuka brushed her hair from her sisters face then cuddled to her chest the best she could while trying not the feel the pain of her body. Yuka hummed a tune to make Sophie sleep in her arms and she did that two more nights in a row which the third night they sealed both girls in the bedroom.

Yuka knew they both would be dead by morning so she smashed the  liquor bottle near by and made sure her sister asleep as she cut her femur artery. She wrote a small note that said " Sophie I love you..you deserve to live on..your so young and I want you to be happy ..so don't be sad"

Yuka laid dead covered with a sheet and when Sophie discovered her sister she almost screamed. Sophie was heartbroken for a few months then she met a man who she loved and her father grieved her death so much he never married or tried to marry again.

Yuka was whispering her sisters name in her sleep then she shoot up in her bed and she looked in the dark. She saw a familiar mop of silver hair next her and she was confused how he got there. Zero was half asleep as he wrapped an arm around her making her head nestling to his bare chest. This was awkward for Yuka because she did like him but not in that way or rather she wasn't sure if she did .

She woke up that morning and started to poke Zero's face then he started to wake up blinking his eyes. He looked confused then shuffled back hitting his head on the wall making Yuka laugh. Yuka sat up in her pink bra and shorts then said:

(Yuka) " Not that I'm complaining..but why are you in my bed?"

(Zero) " I..I don't know I came here last night and you were screaming which I never heard you scream so I came to check on you. "

(Yuka) " Oh..I'm sorry to worry you..it was probably a bad dream...I don't usually have those very often"

(Zero) "Do you mind telling me about your dream?..I don't mean to pry or anything it's just I want to know what made you so afraid"

Yuka took a deep breath before she took his hand in hers putting her fingers on his then .

(Yuka) " I use to have a little sister and she was always a sweet girl. We were very close and one day we were kidnapped by some men. I did everything I could to protect her from their advances and  in the end she was saved but being held captive for three days .I had to let those men do things to me so they wouldn't touch her and it was the most painful three nights of my life but in the end we were saved"

Yuka altered the last part of the story because being a reaper is a secret she couldn't just reveal in a whim. Zero pulled Yuka in a hug and they held each other for a bit before they got dressed for school.

Kaname was in his room when the pain in his chest subsided he realized it was because he was jealous and the pain he was feeling was from Yuka. Kaname trusted Yuka but he wasn't too sure about Zero because they were both at fault for his sister Yuki's death and for some reason he still blamed Zero for it.

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