Honeymoon (lemon)

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Yuka and Kaname were particularly ripping each other's clothes off when they finally had the time to be alone. Kaname gently laid Yuka down on the bed and he trailed kisses down her neck then caressed her breasts in small circles. Yuka traced her fingers down the muscles of his well trimmed chest then leaned forward to nibble his skin of his collarbone. Kaname towered over her with a smile then placed a hand on her face before he whispered:

(Kaname) " Yuka..I love you"

Yuka smiled with a tear rolling down her cheek then pulled the back of Kaname head to bring in down in a deep passion kiss. His hands lightly parted her legs before he rubbed her sensitive folds of her navel which made her wiggly and squirm but he held her in place as he very slowly dipped his fingers in her right heat. Yuka was lightly digging her nails into Kaname back which was turning him on a lot but he held back because he wanted Yuka nice and wet.

After a few moments Yuka's insides tightened around Kaname's fingers and she moaned deeply orgasming in his hand and he ran his member along her wet folds which made her gasp. He gripped the bedsheets below them and pushed into her slowly which after a moment she wrapped her inner thighs to Kaname's back as he slowly moved. Yuka started to rock her hips but after she gotten use to him being inside she flipped herself on top leaned forward biting his neck hard so it would bleed. She moved up and down gliding her hands along his chest down to his hips then she released her hold his neck . Kaname saw the blood but didn't care the heat and pleasure of their shared pain was too intense that it felt good.

He sat then up with Yuka still on top but they both were meeting half way as he thrusted upwards and they moved as one making Yuka orgasm again shuddering against him. Kaname flipped Yuka stomach down then lifted her hips pushing into her again making her gasp as he glided upwards to make his front flesh with her back . She moved against him as he thrusted harder turning her head back a bit in another deep kiss and he wrapped an arm around her holding close to him as they both finally climaxed .

Kaname turned Yuka around to see her face flushed a little pink and she just wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him again. Kaname smiled pulling her to him making her head rest on his chest and he stroked her long hair. Yuka just sighed with he hand in his upper chest and Kaname tilted her head up to look at him.

(Kaname) " Is something the matter?"

Yuka punched him in the arm before she spoke

(Yuka) " Of course not..Geez..it's just that's the first time I willingly had sex with someone and I didn't think we would be such animals"

(Kaname) " I see..in all honesty..your actually my first at least since I got this body"

(Yuka) " Huh..really..but you're so charming..did nobody appeal to you or something?"

(Kaname) " Vampires we tend to do different things to work through our desires I just been holding back mine for a long time"

(Yuka) " Well..then I'm glad I'm your first because I would've probably did something to anyone who has touched you "

(Kaname) "hahaha..I didn't know my bride was so jealous"

(Yuka) " Use to not have feelings at all so is it wrong to be jealous"

(Kaname) " Not at all its nice to see more and more of your expressions"

Yuka leans forward then kisses him again before the go for round two which was much longer then the first. Few weeks after that Yuka become pregnant with their daughter Laura who grow up to be rather more involved with helping the humans harmonize with vampires. After a few years Kaname accepted Yuka's choice also be a mother of Zero's child but they had to go to a special clinic to have it down because he didn't want his bride be touched by anyone other then him. Zero's child was also a girl and her name was Melanie who become the first Reaper hybrid to let People visit there loved one on Halloween. Yuka, Kaname, Laura, Zero, Melanie and Ichiru all lived very happy long existences with a few dangers but that is how life is nothing is perfect.

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