Strong for a human

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Zero and Yuka were Walking around campus when Yuka spotted a few students breaking curfew. Two girls that seemed to be in the same grade class as her but they were attempting something. She jumped off a tree doing a front somersault landing perfectly on her feet and then approached them telling them to leave back to their dorms. She saw one of them was hurt but they turned to see Aido and Akatsuki but before they came closer Yuka pushed the girls away behind her. She silently released her power to wipe there memories and then turn to the vampires to see Aido grabbing her wrist. She froze in fascination then waited to see what he would do next. She had a small cut on her cut from the tree branch and she watched as he bit into her hand which made her smirk. She yanked her hand back then smiled looking Aido in the face before she shoved him to the ground hand behind his back.

(Aido) " What the hell?..How did you do that?"

(Yuka) " observation is one of my talents and since I already know your Pureblood vampires I suggest you refrain from biting anyone else. That also includes both of you but just so you know I would leave back to your dorms before Your dorm president shows up"

Aido got up and Akatsuki looked at him shaking his head before Yuka grabbed his arm.

(Yuka) " You should take better care of yourselves and it would be wise not to cause Kaname too much trouble"

(Akatsuki) " I know..thanks for the warning"

Yuka released Akatsuki's arm which he had to massage a bit before it started to heal. Yuka wrapped up her hand before Kaname showed up a moment later and she just shrugged. Kaname kept staring at her and she looked closer in his eyes but what she saw was the death of someone close to him replaying continuously. A moment later Zero grabbed her pulling her away from Kaname  and she just walked as he dragged her off to the Headmasters house. By the time the reach the bathroom to clean up Yuka's wound it was already gone which puzzled Zero. Yuka handwashed the piece of cloth that had her blood on it but Zero could smell it and Yuka had her back turned away from him. She being a reaper  She easily could read other supernatural creatures including hunters with special abilities. Zero turned Yuka to face him and asked:

(Zero) " Yuka are you okay?"

(Yuka) " I'm fine...nothing I can't handle besides vampires do tend to lose control "

(Zero) " Yuka I don't know why but you smell so good..I don't know if I could resist"

(Yuka) " Resist..oh you're thirst..hmm then don't hold back let it  go unlike most people I am fully capable of helping you partner"

(Zero) " What..are you serious?..what if I kill you or hurt you really badly"

(Yuka) " I'm very serious..whether you are human or vampire it doesn't matter to me because from what I seen so far need someone to support and being there beside you."

(Zero) " I..don't want to hurt you..why are you so kind? what purpose does that serve?..Yuka..I can't.."

Yuka walked right up to his face then pulled his shirt forward after she ran the shower water and unbuttoned her shirt. She leaned Zero to the collar of her neck and she said:

(Yuka) " You don't know if you don't try and I'm much stronger then I appear need I say more"

Zero licked Yuka's neck which made her shiver and she grasped the bottom of his shirt as he got closer then bit into her neck. Yuka's blood was a much stronger flavor and more filling then his dead friends which made him wrapped an arm around her waist holding her still. Yuka gave deep soft breathes not use to the sensation of something entering her body and then she wrapped an arm around his neck running her fingers through his hair. She gave slow calming motions of combing her fingers in his silver hair and he just finished taking his fill when she reached the nape of his neck. Zero licked up his mess and then looked at her face pressing his forehead to hear until his eyes turned back to purple.

Yuka grabbed Zero's hand kissing the palm and he blinked a little confused but then sighed in relief with an edge of guilt.

(Zero) " Thank you Yuka..I know I'm a monster but I do appreciate your assistance"

(Yuka) "'s okay I were turned into a vampire and if my blood helps you have some control then I don't mind one bit. Also you're not a monster are who you chose to be and the person I see before me is stronger then the doubt weighting on your mind"

(Zero) " You sure are a pep talker ...just kidding but seriously I'm glad you came here"

(Yuka) " I am too and I don't know about that  I just tell it how I see it besides your not bad company"

(Zero) " Geez thanks for the compliment"

Yuka just smiles and grabs Zero's hand dragging him back outside taking him to the roof. Zero doesn't understand what's going on until he sees Yuka sitting on the railing looking out the campus. Zero joins her still tasting her blood lingering in his tongue but she leans her head on his shoulder.

(Yuka) " Zero..I know you feel lost in emotions not sure how to express it , Alone and afraid to connect with someone because losing them would hurt but know this life is full of painful moments. When we don't face the tragedies of our lives it makes life harder and it's painful but that pain makes you a much stronger person"

(Zero) " How did you just ....Where did you come from? You're such a strange girl and I'm okay with that"

Yuka just smirks as they watch the sunrise that morning and the only one who is tired is Zero. Yuka being a reaper doesn't need much sleep and see Zero open up to her a little made her feel almost as alive she use to be. Kaname was still a mystery to her but she had a feeling this was just the start of  a twisted fate.

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