Zero meets Yuka

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Zero p.o.v

Why does this new girl have her face ? Why does she smell so much like her? My friend and Kanames sister Yuki died before she could enter high school with me . I honestly think this is a twisted way of fate messing with my life and I know once Kaname sees her things we will get much more interesting.

(Yuka) " Hello..I'm Yuka Black nice to meet  you Zero..I know we just met but can I ask you a question?"

(Zero) " Nice to meet you too Yuka..depends on the question?"

(Yuka) " Do you happen to be a Kiryu ?"

(Zero) " Well.. yes how'd you guess I was a Kiryu?"

(Yuka) " have very unique Silver hair and lavender eyes along with the sense of a true Hunter about you"

(Zero) " Its not very common to have my silver hair but what do you mean sense of a true Hunter"

(Yuka) " Sorry.. I wasn't implying anything .. I know I'm a bit strange for a girl but I just always sensed things others don't."

(Zero) " Hahaha..Are you even human?"

(Yuka) " Maybe..just kidding.. don't worry I may know about hunters and vampires but it's simply because I have experience nothing more"

(Zero) " I see ..since she knows about vampires I'm guessing by your happy face headmaster she's my new partner for the disciplinary committee"

(Headmaster) " Yes..but don't worry she understands the rules and regulations that come with the job. Now Will show her around campus before you start your first shift together"

(Zero) " Fine..she's okay I guess..(under his breathe said ) any more cheerful I might shoot myself from the overbearing atmosphere"

(Headmaster) " Did you say something Zero?"

(Zero) " Nope..Come this way Yuka"

(Yuka) " Oh okay "

Yuka walks behind Zero until she is side by side with him as she is looking around campus. She tries to smile to lighten the mood but it doesn't work so she just looks at her surroundings. The other students watch them together and Zero explains where everything is.

Yuka thinks back to her life thousands of years ago when she was noble Lord's daughter and now she's in the human world again trying to figure out the dilemma of her life doppelgangers. Yuka has rarely been in humans since she became a reaper and because of this her personality is quiet but nice however she's very strong. She gained lots of knowledge over the years and realized vampires seem to be linked to her fated problem. She almost spaced out but Zero was watching her the whole time and Yuka turned to Zero.

(Yuka) " Zero..thank you for the tour..I know you were recommended by the headmaster to help me but I'm still glad for the guidance"

Zero looked at Yuka then started to laugh and she just blinked in confused . Zero  stopped his laughter and said:

(Zero) " You're way too serious for girl..there's nothing wrong with that but it's very funny "

(Yuka) "'s almost time where do we start our job"

(Zero) " Oh..well one of our number one jobs is to keep the fangirls from mobbing the night students"

(Yuka) " So in a way we are like bodyguards ?"

(Zero) " Yeah kind of's very strange occupation for this School"

(Yuka) " I see Lets get this started then"

(Zero) " Well..that's better attitude I suppose"

(Yuka) " huh"

(Zero) " Never mind"

Zero and Yuka walked silently over to the moondorm gates dressed in uniforms with their bands on arms.

Yuka the reaper (vampire knight)Where stories live. Discover now