Chapter 18: Jealousy

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Buck's Point of View

*Three days earlier*

Friday has finally rolled around. Jessie is in the barn changing out her boots. I can't stop the scowl on my face when I think about her being with that freak. I can't believe she would allow him to take advantage of her like that! What the hell is wrong with her?! As I lean against the far side of the barn brooding, I see her rush out to the gate, then jump into her jeep and leave. She hasn't been out to see the longhorn in a few weeks now. She doesn't even act like herself anymore. Watching, I see the red jeep stop in front of the old Fletcher Farmhouse. Then, the freak gets into the jeep and they drive off together. Still irritated by everything, I make my way to the stables, pull our dark brown Quarter Horse, Bane, from his stall and saddle him up. Jumping onto his back, I take off through the property. Somehow, I end up at the great pasture where the longhorn are. Hitching Bane up to the post outside the gate, I enter the pasture. Betsy makes her way over and nudges my shoulder with her soft muzzle.

"Betsy..." I pat her gently on the neck. "How did things end up this way? How could I have lost her to him?"

Lost in thought for a long time, I don't leave the pasture until the sun is hanging low in the sky. Taking Bane back to the stables, I slowly make my way into the house.

When I enter the kitchen, mom gives me a concerned look. "Buck, where have you been? Supper's getting cold."

"Sorry, mom. I'm...not feeling too well." I excuse myself and head straight to my room.

I pace my room for hours on end trying desperately to sort things out. As night turns to early morning, it hits me. I touch the small cut on my cheek from where that asshole nicked me with his knife.

I remember when I got the text from Jessie telling me she was unwell and not coming to work. She had been fine the Friday before. And for her to text and not call, seemed strange at the time. Then, when she didn't contact me at all the next day, it really concerned me. That's when I went to check on her. That's when I encountered him. He would have killed me if Jessie hadn't thrown herself over me. After he left, that's when I noticed her house had practically been destroyed and all the blood. I knew then she was in danger. But I was in shock, angry, and confused. She begged me to leave. She was more afraid for my safety than her own. Though it frightened me to do so, I did leave, for her sake. I worried all weekend for her. But then she came to work with those marks on her neck. An unbridled rage flared up inside of me I couldn't control. How could she?! With him?! I couldn't even look at her after that.

But now that I have had time to reflect on it, I know he's forcing her to have sex with him. He has to be. She wouldn't willingly let him do that to her. She's a better person than that.

Now, she's alone with him for the weekend again. The longer she's around that asshole, the more dangerous the situation becomes for her. 'I have to protect her! I have to protect her from him! I have to protect her from herself! I can't allow her to become corrupted by him!' With a resolve I've never felt before, I grab my pistol and head to town.

It's nearly dawn when I step onto the front porch. I stare at the door in front of me. Beyond that door is Jessie...and that freak. I'm going to have to be extra careful not to hurt Jessie. I'll have to keep my sights set on him and him alone. When I think about what he's done to her, what he continues to do to her, and the emotional scars I'm sure he's causing, a white-hot rage courses through me. I pound hard on the door.

'He'll be the first one to investigate, I know he will.' With all the pent-up rage and resentment I have towards him, I kick the door so hard I can hear the wood splinter, then door flies open.

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