Bumping into each other

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(Yellow Diamond POV)


I tap my alarm clock to turn it off, I sit up and I look out my window I see the sun picking out of the clouds.


I get off my bed and I go take a shower, I think about what to wear at the first day of college.as I finish taking a shower I dry myself off and walk over to the mirror that's all fog up by the stem of the shower. I draw my mothers company logo, four diamonds making a nother bigger diamond. And if you don't know my mother White owns a billon dollar industry of jewelry, clothing and shoes she bought a mansion where the other rich people leave it's fine or what ever but there really not much to do out here but it has a nice view of the city. My mom bought me two stories house near the campus of the college, witch I don't mine I just need to walk one block and I'm at the campus. I go over to my closet and take out my white button up shirt with black lines going up and down, my black jeans, my hight top shoes, my lither jacket and sunglasses I never felt comfortable with my eye color, there a honey gold but it shows more yellow then brown, just like my hair it was blond when I was a kid but now it looks like I died it yellow because the roots are a light blond then it go's to yellow, any way back to my eyes they almost look golden so I wear sunglasses to cover them up and to top it all off me and my mother have an eye mutation, booth of are eyes aren't circle like everyone else's there diamond shape witch scary a lot of people, they never want to look in to my or my mothers eyes. I rolled up my sleeve's, put my leather jacket on and grab my bag, keys and phone. I walk out of my house and started to walk the campus of the college, as I was walking some guy cat called me, I look at hem and he gave me a smirks. I smirk back and took off my sunglasses, I look straight at hem. Right away he look away in fear and speed walk like there was no tomorrow. I chuckled as I put on my sunglasses and walk, I made it to the campos and oh did I forget to mention that I'm a seiner year so everybody knows me, as I walk everyone move to the sides making a clear path for me, as I keep walking someone bump into me from behind I heard people gasp. It took me a wail to move because no one ever bump in to me not even when I was a child, I turn around so see a girl on her knees picking up paper from the floor.

???-"Oh no oh no oh no."

By the sound of her voice I can tell she was Irish.....and about to cry. She had long hair that's went up to her hips, she died it blue because her roots where black, her skin was a milk chocolate very smooth and soft by the look's of it, she had a dark blue tight skirt that's mach her shirt and her gloves hand no fingers it showed her knuckles and her thum. Her hair was so big that I didn't notice that she had a hoodie with her, she look up at me.....her eyes.....there just like mine will the shape of them where like mine, her eye color where a crystal blue.

???-"I'm so sorry I I didn't mean to bump in to you."

I didn't respond I gust look at her, I grab a pice of paper that was under my foot and look at it, it was a design of a diamond ring it look nice, I look back at her.

Yellow-"What is your name?"

Blue-"Blue Woods... C can I have my paper back."

I take my hand out to her, she hesitated for a wail then grab it. I pull her up so that she can get on her feet, I hand her back her paper.

Yellow-"Will Blue what class do you have for this?"

Blue-"Oh Design."

Yellow-"Why did you design a ring?"

Blue-"Oh I um wanted to get hired by the Diamond Authored Inc."

Yellow-"Why is that?"

Blue-"Because they make amazing jewelry sure they have clothing and shoes line but I want to do jewelry and I want to be like then."

"My Yellow.""My cry baby."(Bellow Dimond or Yellow X Blue Dimond)Where stories live. Discover now