I'm going to hurt you part2

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(Blues POV)

I walk down the street with my hoodie on and some of my hair covering one of my eyes towards my parents house, I really do feel like shit I have to admit. But Yellow cheated on me with her ex, but what did I expect she's a Playboy or girl what ever she is. She hurt me and when I came back home it wasn't that better ether, my mother and father screamed at me. Both my mother and father slap and scream at me, they lock me in my room and only feed me once every day for a week. It was so bad that my hair started to turn white a little, I still have my original hair color here and there. My hair just looking like I died it three deferent colors, wail any way. After that they have me do chores non stop, like right now I had to go to the store to get some potatoes, chicken, tomatoes, carets, and some rice for a soup I have to make wail my family is out shopping for some clothes. I walk in to my house and I put my key in but it was unlock, I was confused because I remember I did lock it. I open the door and walk in very slowly, as I got in to the middle of the house the door slam behind me. I look to see...an Amethyst? Oh no.

White-"Well hello there Blue."

I turn to where her voice was coming from, and there she is. On my fathers favorite charge facing me with an 'pleasant' smile.

Blue-"Why are you here White?"

Her smile fades away, she get up and walks over to me. She's a good arm distance away from me.

White-"I need your help and what in earth happen to your hair."

She said that last part wail she was playing around with my hair, I pulled it away and I look at her with anger.

Blue-"With what?"

White-"Touché touché."

She smiled then snap her fingers and an Amethyst come over to her with a brief case. The Amethyst opens it, White takes out a picture of a girl and handed it to me. I took it and look down at the picker.

White-"Do you remember her?"

Blue-"No, Why should I?."

White-"Look closer."

I rolled my eyes and I did what she said and then it hit me, it Angelica Reynolds. I got more angry that's I started to rip it apart the paper in to little tinny shreds.

White-"You and me both."

Blue-"Why is that?"

White-"Because my dearest Blue, she did something to Yellow that I would like to kill her for it."

Blue-"And that is?"

She struggle to say the words and then she spit it out.

White-"She...she r...she rape Yellow. My Sunshine."

It stung me hard, Yellow. She hurt Yellow, my Yellow, MY YELLOW! I look at her with eyes full of rage and anger.

Blue-"Are we going to hurt her?"

White-"You have no idea."

Blue-"Good because I want to hurt her as will."

White-"Will let me be the first one to toss that harpoon, oh I brought you something."

"My Yellow.""My cry baby."(Bellow Dimond or Yellow X Blue Dimond)Where stories live. Discover now