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(Blue POV)

For some reason I felt a little brave for looking into her eyes, especially her eyes.....I hope she likes me. As the limo driver drove us to Yellows house I stared at the Yellow and played with her hair.

White-"So what is your name girl?"

I turn to look at her as fast as I can.

Blue-"B Blue....Blue Woods."

White-"Blue Woods what a lovely name."

She took a sip of her Champaign as I went back to look at Yellow.

White-"So Blue."

I turn to look at her once again.

White-"Where are you from?"


White-"What part?"


I keep looking at her as she look at her champagne glass.

White-"Tell me about your self."

I gulp.

Blue-"Um will what do you want to know about me?"

She smirk at me.

White-"Oh you know who are your parents? Have any siblings or relatives? That simple stuff."

Blue-"Oh will..."

I sat up straight, still having's Yellows head on my lap.

Blue-"Will my Father is Adam Woods and my mothers is Victoria Woods, I have no siblings I am an only child because when my mother gave birth to me I made her have an infection in her uterus making her no longer conceive children."

White-"Let me guess you want a sister or a brother?"

I look down at Yellow and run my thum along her lips.

Blue-"Yes...did Yellow want a brother or a sister?"

White-"Oh you have no idea, she always bothered me saying 'mom can I get a brother or a sister' and 'I want a baby sister or bother' non-stop."

I look up at her.

Blue-"Why didn't you have another child then?"

She look at me then scoot over to toured's me, I turn stiff at she did.

White-"I only want one child because I want only one person to inherit my company, my fortune, my name. I don't want two children to fight over it when I'm dead."

Blue-"I guess I see your point."

White-"Good because if you are in my shoes and you have multiple of children and you have to pick favorites its hell, so if you have one child you already have your will set."

Blue-"But what happen if your one child disappears knock on wood."

White knock on my head, I rub the place where she hit me as I look at her.

White-"What? You told me to knock on wood and your name is Blue Woods so I knock on wood."

Blue-"I didn't mean like that."

She smiled and chuckled at me.

White-"Hehehe yes anyway back to are conversation. Will I always take good care of my child, yes play with other kids and go to party's but if I feel like something bad is going to happen I just set them down till I fell like the danger has past."

"My Yellow.""My cry baby."(Bellow Dimond or Yellow X Blue Dimond)Where stories live. Discover now