Save me

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🚨Warning : Contains kinda triggered stuff 🚨

During their break, Minyoung planned to return to her hometown to visit her mother and sister. Everything was fine until Yoongi found her metal ring that Jimin gave to her. Yoongi found it under a table at a cafe where they always hang out together.

He called Mrs. Ahn to ask of Minyoung already arrived at Ilsan but he got the opposite answer, making his heart beating fast. She supposed to arrived there on this morning. Yoongi rushed to home and tell the others.

" Have you tried to call her?"
Jin asked while dialing her number. " I did but she didn't picked up." They tried to call her after 15 minutes but failed. So Namjoon reported it to Bang Pd-nim. He decided to call the police if they still couldn't contact her until night falls.

The moon rising up replacing the sun. They still didn't received any calls from her.
Yoongi holds her ring, hoping that she's alright. " Sajang-nim, (Sir,) a postman sent this to us."  Minyoung's manager gave him a tape. " There's no name of the sender. Are you sure this is for us? " he asked.
" It's adressed to our building."

All eyes on them. They played the tape. The video started with the blacked view and started to visual a person with a bag covering the head, sitting on a chair while hands seems like being tied. Their heart started to beat fastly. Then, a man with mask walked in front of the camera.

" I'm sure you're looking for someone..or you guys really had no idea about this yet." He pulled a chair and sit beside the person. He then, put of the bag from the person's head..she has a long blonde hair, looking down to the floor. Their eyes rounded as they recognize the girl.

" Do you know her? Okay, next clue.."
He shows her necklace that RM gave to her.
" Yes..I have your girl, Ahn Minyoung." He said. And this time, their heart are already explode. They felt extremerly triggered when he hold her hair and pulled it backward roughly, made her head looking forward to the camera. They hold their fist when the saw her face with buirses and wound on her forehead.

Her mouth are being taped with her condition is uncounsious and they can see clearly her eyebags from crying.

" You know what, she looks more beautiful than in the television." He fixed her hair and tucked it behind her ear. His action made all of them in fire.  " What is it, dear? You wanna ask for 1 million won? Great idea, then we can travel together."
He then, laughed like maniac. " So, bring me 1 million won and hey, don't involve the police or else..I'll end her life."

And the video ended. Some of them are already in tears.

Hope you liked it.
I'm running out of energy, so I'll write the second part.

Ahn Minyoung - BTS 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now