Chapter 10

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Emma stood in front of the door and tiptoed, to take a look out of their cell.
Wights were running towards the big hall, but some of them were also screaming, while bees were flying after them. Bees.
„Bees! Hugh!" Emma smiled and and turned away from the door. „Horace! Hugh is here!"
Horace quickly got up and rushed over to her.
The bee boy was running through the hallway, checking every cell.
„Emma?" he called out, as he heard his friend's voice.
„Yes, I'm here. Horace is here too!" she answered. „Do you by any chance have some keys to unlock the door?"
„Oh. Uhm, no." Hugh said and Emma sighed.
Then she began to burn down the door as quick as possible.

Horace and Emma got out of their cell, looking over to the big door that led to the hall, where their headmistress was right now.
„Miss Peregrine is in there. We can't just leave her here!" Emma began to walk towards the hall, but Hugh held her back.
„Don't worry, I didn't come here alone." he said, crossing his arms.
Suddenly, they flinched when they heard Caul screaming in agony.
„We have to go." Hugh took both their hands and quickly headed towards an exit, with his bees following him close behind. „I told him, that we should meet outside again."


The giant relinquished his grip around Alma and slowly approached Sharon, who was climbing down the wall and then jumped all the rest to the ground.
„Put the ymbryne down, or I'll shoot." he threatened Caul, still aiming his crossbow at him.
Caul laughed. „Shoot me, and they'll shoot you." he said, as guards came through the large door. They immediately pointed their guns at Sharon.
But he shot anyways- and the arrow hit right into Caul's left eye.
Caul screamed in pain and dropped Alma. They giant sunk to his knees and covered his face with his hands. He tried to get the arrow out, but it was too painful.
Sharon came running and caught her.
„I'm sorry, Miss." he said and then rapidly carried her away, before the wights could shoot him. Sharon ran up to another window, broke it and jumped outside.
Alma had the feeling, that they were going to hit the ground any second. But instead of breaking their bones, they fell into a tree. It had barely leaves, so it wasn't such a smooth landing—but they survived.
„Are you okay, Miss?" he asked her and looked at her, to see if everything was alright.
Alma nodded. She didn't say anything, for she was still in shock.
Sharon carefully made his way down to the ground and when he got there, he put the woman down.
Hugh, Emma and Horace were running towards them and Emma immediately went to hug Miss Peregrine.
„Miss Peregrine! You're alive!" she said and beamed with joy.
„I don't mean to interrupt, but- I think we should leave." said Sharon, as he heard Caul telling his men to go after them.
„We know where to go." said Hugh and everybody nodded. And then they quickly wandered off, before the guards could find them.

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