Skin II

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I despise this skin I'm in,
It is too fragile.
I am too fragile, as a whole.
I want to starve it so it is content with what it is.
I want to damage it so it appreciates the painless days.
I want to shed it until I am nothing but a pile of bones left abandoned on the floor.
I don't know how to describe the pain I feel.
It is like my chest is collapsing in with each cumbersome step I take but no one can tell.
I feel like every word I say to my therapist is a lie despite feeling all of it with all my heart.
Maybe it is a lie, I don't tell her everything I feel.
I'm afraid of what would happen if I do.
I haven't even confronted what I feel.
Everything is festering in me and it will all soon come bubbling to the surface.

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