Chapter Seven.

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After making it to the pizza place in a somewhat-decent state, we climbed out of the car and entered the building. The place was dead with only two more sets of customers seated. We walked over to a booth next to the window. I sat down in the middle of Tori and Taylor, on the other side there was Matt, Carter and Aaron. A young waitress with bleach blonde hair and a horrid orange tan walked over with menus in her hand. She chucked them down on the table before twirling her straw-like hair in a flirtatious manner. She winked at Matt and Carter before walking away, shaking her ass as if she was Kim K. I sniggered to myself before looking down at the menu. "Shall we all share a pizza?" Aaron suggested.

Everybody nodded in agreement and I opened my mouth in shock. "Bitch, is you serious?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him. He frowned for a second because he thought I was joking around.

Tori shook her head. "She has this crazy and weird obsession with food." She explained. The boys all smiled and looked at me. She shrugged and went back to looking at her menu. "She should get it checked out, she literally has to eat every 20 minutes."

I nodded and scanned through the food in the menu. "How? She's...skinny!" Matt explained and pointed, looking straight at me. I looked at him and frowned.

"Rude." I said, in a serious tone. "Trying to call me fat, huh? Matthew." I sassed back. He laughed and I continued looking through the menu. Hello, chicken tenders!

"It's because she's always in the gym and her metabolism is faster than NASCAR." Tori laughs. Carter raises his eyebrows and looks over in my direction. I keep my head down and refuse to make eye contact.

"Less about me, more about the food." I smiled, pointing to the menu. Everybody nods and talk amongst themselves as to what they wanted. The finally came to a conclusion equally I had too. Matt looked around to call a waiter over but he couldn't see one so we waited until one came over to us.

The same tacky bimbo waitress sulks over to our table and pulls out a notepad and pen. "What do you want?" She asked, clacking her gum loudly and obnoxiously. I grimaced and looked at her. What a disgusting human being. I pity the peasent.

"Um, we'll have the large pepperoni pizza please." Aaron ordered. The waitress nodded and wrote it down. It took literally 10 minutes just to write that down, clearly she didn't get the best education. Everyone looked at me and I glanced down at my menu.

"I'll have the small margarita pizza." I said. "The chicken tenders and a salad.. why not?" I shrugged and put the menu on the table. She rolled her eyes and it took her another half an hour for her to write my order down. It most likely didn't take that long, I'm just really impatient when it comes to food. (If you haven't noticed.)

"Drinks?" She clacked again, her voice trailing off. I grimaced once again and tried to ignore the fact that a 21st centuary clown was stood at our table at Pizza Hut. Honestly, what is she trying to achieve with all that blue eyeshadow and all that hot pink lipstick that makes her appear like the doppelganger to MirandaSings?

"We'll have six regular cokes." Matt smiled. The waitress smiled back at him, DAYUM her teeth are as yellow as Homer.

"Make mine a large." I stated. She death glared me and wrote something down on her little notepad before trotting away. Everyone looked at me in disbelief.

"Really? You had to make it a large?" Tori shook her head, jokingly.

"Damn girl." Taylor said. "I like a girl that can eat and drink. If you know what I mean." He winked and I began laughing, everybody else did too, except for Carter.

Someone's phone pinged and we identified it as Matt's. He read a message on his phone and his smile quickly faded. He looked out of the window before he said anything to us and we all looked around at each other, confused. "Matt!" Carter yelled grabbing Matt's attention. He turned around and faced Carter. "What's up?"

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